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SchemaSpy Analysis of pub.mgd - Columns Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Mon Sep 11 06:12 EDT 2023
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

pub.mgd contains 3404 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
acc_accession _accession_key int4 10 primary key
acc_accession _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
acc_accession _logicaldb_key int4 10 foreign key to ACC_LogicalDB
acc_accession _mgitype_key int4 10 foreign key to ACC_MGIType
acc_accession _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
acc_accession _object_key int4 10 foreign key to any object defined in ACC_MGIType
acc_accession accid text 2147483647 the full accession number string
acc_accession creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
acc_accession modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
acc_accession numericpart int4 10  √  null the trailing numerical portion of accID
acc_accession preferred int2 5 flags accession number as preferred/primary (1) or not preferred/secondary (0). there can only be one preferred accession number for logical database MGI. The default is 1.
acc_accession prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null the leading non-numerical portion of accID
acc_accession private int2 5 is this accession number private? yes (1), no (0)
acc_accessionmax creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
acc_accessionmax maxnumericpart int4 10 the current maximum numeric value for the accession number series designated by prefixPart
acc_accessionmax modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
acc_accessionmax prefixpart text 2147483647 primary key; the leading non-numerical portion of an MGI accID ("MGI:" or "J:")
acc_accessionreference _accession_key int4 10 primary key of the Accession number to which the Reference refers
acc_accessionreference _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
acc_accessionreference _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
acc_accessionreference _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
acc_accessionreference creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
acc_accessionreference modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
acc_actualdb _actualdb_key serial 10  √  nextval('acc_actualdb_seq'::regclass) primary key
acc_actualdb _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
acc_actualdb _logicaldb_key int4 10 foreign key to ACC_LogicalDB
acc_actualdb _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
acc_actualdb active int2 5 should the link be constructed? yes (1), no (0)
acc_actualdb allowsmultiple int2 5 does the URL support a query using more than one accession number? yes (1), no (0)
acc_actualdb creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
acc_actualdb delimiter bpchar 8  √  null the delimiter which separates multiple accession numbers; used when construcuting the full URL.
acc_actualdb modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
acc_actualdb name text 2147483647 name of the actual database; the HTML label that appears in the WI
acc_actualdb url text 2147483647 template of the URL; includes place holder string of '@@@@'. during construction of the full URL, the '@@@@' will be replaced by the appropriate term (accession number, symbol, etc.)
acc_logicaldb _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
acc_logicaldb _logicaldb_key serial 10  √  nextval('acc_logicaldb_seq'::regclass) primary key
acc_logicaldb _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
acc_logicaldb _organism_key int4 10  √  null organism (foreign key to MGI_Organism)
acc_logicaldb creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
acc_logicaldb description text 2147483647  √  null brief description of the logical entity
acc_logicaldb modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
acc_logicaldb name text 2147483647 name of the logical entity
acc_mgitype _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
acc_mgitype _mgitype_key int4 10 primary key
acc_mgitype _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
acc_mgitype creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
acc_mgitype dbview text 2147483647  √  null table summary view
acc_mgitype identitycolumnname text 2147483647  √  null name of the primary key column of tableName
acc_mgitype modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
acc_mgitype name text 2147483647 name of the accessionable object type
acc_mgitype primarykeyname text 2147483647 primary key name for the accessionable object type
acc_mgitype tablename text 2147483647 master/primary table for the accessionable object type
acc_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
acc_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
acc_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
acc_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
acc_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
acc_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
acc_view _organism_key int4 10  √  null
acc_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
acc_view actualdb text 2147483647  √  null
acc_view allowsmultiple int2 5  √  null
acc_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
acc_view delimiter bpchar 8  √  null
acc_view description text 2147483647  √  null
acc_view logicaldb text 2147483647  √  null
acc_view mgitype text 2147483647  √  null
acc_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
acc_view numericpart int4 10  √  null
acc_view preferred int2 5  √  null
acc_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
acc_view private int2 5  √  null
acc_view url text 2147483647  √  null
all_acc_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
all_acc_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
all_acc_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
all_acc_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
all_acc_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
all_acc_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
all_acc_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
all_acc_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_acc_view logicaldb text 2147483647  √  null
all_acc_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_acc_view numericpart int4 10  √  null
all_acc_view preferred int2 5  √  null
all_acc_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
all_acc_view private int2 5  √  null
all_allele _allele_key serial 10  √  nextval('all_allele_seq'::regclass) primary key
all_allele _allele_status_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 37 (Allele Status); 'In Progress', 'Deleted', 'Reserved', 'Approved', 'Autoload'
all_allele _allele_type_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 38 (Allele Type); 'Spontaneous', 'Targeted', 'Gene trapped'
all_allele _approvedby_key int4 10  √  null user who approved record (foreign key to MGI_User)
all_allele _collection_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 92
(Allele Collection); 'KOMP-CSD', 'NorCOMM', 'EUCOMM'
all_allele _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
all_allele _marker_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to MRK_Marker; foreign key to ALL_Marker_Assoc
all_allele _markerallele_status_key int4 10
all_allele _mode_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 35 (Allele Inheritance Mode); 'Semidominant', 'Codominant'
all_allele _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
all_allele _refs_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele _strain_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Strain; the Strain Of Origin; for Transgenes this is the Strain fro which the mutation was made
all_allele _transmission_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 61 (Allele Transmission); 'Germline', 'Cell Line', 'Chimeric'
all_allele approval_date timestamp 29,6  √  now() date record was statused as "Approved"
all_allele creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
all_allele isextinct int2 5 if 1 (yes), then the Allele is extinct, else 0
all_allele ismixed int2 5 if 1 (yes), then the Allele is mixed (from both male and female mice), else 0
all_allele iswildtype int2 5 if 1, Allele is a wild type allele, else 0
all_allele modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
all_allele name text 2147483647 Allele Name
all_allele symbol text 2147483647 Allele Symbol; includes the Marker symbol
all_allele_cellline _allele_key int4 10 foreign key to ALL_Allele
all_allele_cellline _assoc_key serial 10  √  nextval('all_allele_cellline_seq'::regclass) primary key
all_allele_cellline _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
all_allele_cellline _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
all_allele_cellline _mutantcellline_key int4 10 foreign key to ALL_CellLine
all_allele_cellline creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
all_allele_cellline modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
all_allele_cellline_view _allele_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view _assoc_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view _creator_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view _mutantcellline_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view _vector_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view cellline text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view celllinestrain text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view celllinestrain_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view createdby text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view creator text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view derivationkey int4 10  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view derivationname text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view ismutant int2 5  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view parentcellline text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view parentcellline_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view parentcelllinetype_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_cellline_view vector text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_driver_view _allele_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_driver_view _marker_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_driver_view _organism_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_driver_view _relationship_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_driver_view commonname text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_driver_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_mutation _allele_key int4 10 foreign key to ALL_Allele
all_allele_mutation _assoc_key serial 10  √  nextval('all_allele_mutation_seq'::regclass)
all_allele_mutation _mutation_key int4 10 foreign key to ALL_Molecular_Mutation
all_allele_mutation creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
all_allele_mutation modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
all_allele_mutation_view _allele_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_mutation_view _assoc_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_mutation_view _mutation_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_mutation_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_allele_mutation_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_allele_mutation_view mutation text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_subtype_view _allele_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_subtype_view _annot_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_subtype_view _annottype_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_subtype_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_subtype_view _qualifier_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_subtype_view _term_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_subtype_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_allele_subtype_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_allele_subtype_view term text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view _allele_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _allele_status_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _allele_type_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _approvedby_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _collection_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _marker_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _markerallele_status_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _mode_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _strain_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view _transmission_key int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view approval_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_allele_view approvedby text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view citation text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view collection text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view createdby text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_allele_view isextinct int2 5  √  null
all_allele_view ismixed int2 5  √  null
all_allele_view iswildtype int2 5  √  null
all_allele_view jnum int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view markerallele_status text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view markersymbol text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_allele_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view name text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view short_citation text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view statusnum int4 10  √  null
all_allele_view strain text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
all_allele_view term text 2147483647  √  null
all_annot_view _allele_key int4 10  √  null
all_annot_view _annot_key int4 10  √  null
all_annot_view _annottype_key int4 10  √  null
all_annot_view _qualifier_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline _cellline_key serial 10  √  nextval('all_cellline_seq'::regclass) primary key
all_cellline _cellline_type_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 63 (Cell Line Type)
all_cellline _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
all_cellline _derivation_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to ALL_CellLine_Derivation
all_cellline _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
all_cellline _strain_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Strain
all_cellline cellline text 2147483647 ES cell line
all_cellline creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
all_cellline ismutant int2 5 if 1, then this ES Cell line is a Mutant, else Parental
all_cellline modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
all_cellline_acc_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view logicaldb text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view numericpart int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view preferred int2 5  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_acc_view private int2 5  √  null
all_cellline_derivation _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
all_cellline_derivation _creator_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 62 (Cell Line Creator)
all_cellline_derivation _derivation_key serial 10  √  nextval('all_cellline_derivation_seq'::regclass) primary key
all_cellline_derivation _derivationtype_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 38 (Allele Type)
all_cellline_derivation _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
all_cellline_derivation _parentcellline_key int4 10 foreign key to ALL_CellLine
all_cellline_derivation _refs_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to BIB_Refs
all_cellline_derivation _vector_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = = 72 (Cell Line Vector Name)
all_cellline_derivation _vectortype_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 64 (Cell Line Vector Type)
all_cellline_derivation creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
all_cellline_derivation description text 2147483647  √  null longer name
all_cellline_derivation modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
all_cellline_derivation name text 2147483647  √  null Cell Line Library Name
all_cellline_derivation_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view _creator_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view _derivation_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view _derivationtype_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view _parentcellline_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view _vector_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view _vectortype_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view createdby text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view creator text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view description text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view jnum int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view name text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view parentcellline text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view parentcellline_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view parentcelllinestrain text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view parentcelllinestrain_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view parentcelllinetype text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view parentcelllinetype_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view short_citation text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view vector text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_derivation_view vectortype text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_view _cellline_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view _cellline_type_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view _creator_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view _derivation_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view _derivationtype_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view _strain_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view _vector_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view _vectortype_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view cellline text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_view celllinestrain text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_view celllinetype text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_view createdby text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_cellline_view creator text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_view derivationname text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_view ismutant int2 5  √  null
all_cellline_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_cellline_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_view parentcellline text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_view parentcellline_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view parentcelllinestrain text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_view parentcelllinestrain_key int4 10  √  null
all_cellline_view vector text 2147483647  √  null
all_cellline_view vectortype text 2147483647  √  null
all_cre_cache _allele_key int4 10 foreign key to ALL_Allele
all_cre_cache _allele_type_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 38 (Allele Type)
all_cre_cache _assay_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to GXD_Assay
all_cre_cache _cache_key int4 10 primary key
all_cre_cache _celltype_term_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 102 (Cell Ontology)
all_cre_cache _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
all_cre_cache _emapa_term_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 90 (EMAPA)
all_cre_cache _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
all_cre_cache _stage_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to GXD_TheilerStage
all_cre_cache accid text 2147483647 accession id
all_cre_cache age text 2147483647  √  null age of anatomical structure
all_cre_cache agemax numeric 131089  √  null maximum age value determined by age field
all_cre_cache agemin numeric 131089  √  null minimum age value determined by age field
all_cre_cache alleletype text 2147483647 allele type name (VOC_Term.term) via ALL_Allele._AlleleType_key = VOC_Term._Term_key
all_cre_cache creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
all_cre_cache cresystemlabel text 2147483647  √  null Cre System Label
all_cre_cache drivernote text 2147483647 MGI_Relationship._Object_key_2 (marker) where _Category_key = 1006
all_cre_cache emapaterm text 2147483647  √  null term from VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 90
all_cre_cache expressed int4 10  √  null if 1 (true), then this Assay is expressing this Structure, else 0
all_cre_cache hasimage int4 10  √  null does this record have an image?
all_cre_cache modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
all_cre_cache name text 2147483647 Allele name
all_cre_cache strength text 2147483647  √  null
all_cre_cache symbol text 2147483647 Allele symbol
all_genotype_view _allele_key int4 10  √  null
all_genotype_view _genotype_key int4 10  √  null
all_knockout_cache _allele_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to ALL_Allele
all_knockout_cache _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
all_knockout_cache _knockout_key int4 10 primary key
all_knockout_cache _marker_key int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
all_knockout_cache _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
all_knockout_cache companyid text 2147483647  √  null the company ID of the knockout (the Deltagen or Lexicon ID)
all_knockout_cache creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
all_knockout_cache holder text 2147483647 the holder of the knockout (Deltagen or Lexicon)
all_knockout_cache jrsid text 2147483647  √  null the Jax Registry ID (JRS) of the knockout
all_knockout_cache modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
all_knockout_cache nihid text 2147483647  √  null the NIH ID of the knockout
all_knockout_cache repository text 2147483647 the repository from which this knockout is available (JAX or MMRRC)
all_label _allele_key int4 10 foreign key to ALL_Allele
all_label _label_status_key int4 10 1 = current, 2 = old
all_label creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
all_label label text 2147483647 label type (N, S, Y)
all_label labeltype text 2147483647 specifies if label is current symbol, current name, allele symbol, allele name, etc.
all_label labeltypename text 2147483647 label (name, symbol, synonym)
all_label modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
all_label priority int4 10 an integer representing the priority of this record for sorting purposes. the higher the number, the higher the priority.
all_summary_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
all_summary_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
all_summary_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
all_summary_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
all_summary_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
all_summary_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
all_summary_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
all_summary_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_summary_view description text 2147483647  √  null
all_summary_view mgiid text 2147483647  √  null
all_summary_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
all_summary_view numericpart int4 10  √  null
all_summary_view preferred int2 5  √  null
all_summary_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
all_summary_view private int2 5  √  null
all_summary_view short_description text 2147483647  √  null
all_summary_view subtype text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybymarker_view _allele_key int4 10  √  null
all_summarybymarker_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybymarker_view allelestatus text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybymarker_view diseaseannots text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybymarker_view mpannots text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybymarker_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybymarker_view transmission text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybyreference_view _allele_key int4 10  √  null
all_summarybyreference_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybyreference_view allelestatus text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybyreference_view alleletype text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybyreference_view diseaseannots text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybyreference_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybyreference_view mpannots text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybyreference_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
all_summarybyreference_view transmission text 2147483647  √  null
all_variant _allele_key int4 10 foreign key to ALL_Allele, identifies the allele for this variant
all_variant _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
all_variant _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
all_variant _sourcevariant_key int4 10  √  null null if this is a source (as reported) variant record; foreign key to ALL_Variant to identify the source variant, if this is a curated record
all_variant _strain_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Strain, identifies the strain with this variant
all_variant _variant_key serial 10  √  nextval('all_variant_seq'::regclass) primary key, uniquely identifying the record
all_variant creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
all_variant description text 2147483647  √  null text description of this variant
all_variant isreviewed int2 5 has this variant been reviewed by a curator (1) or not (0)?
all_variant modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
all_variant_sequence _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
all_variant_sequence _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
all_variant_sequence _sequence_type_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term, identifies the type of this sequence (_Vocab_key = 21)
all_variant_sequence _variant_key int4 10 foreign key to ALL_Variant_Variant, identifying the variant with this sequence
all_variant_sequence _variantsequence_key serial 10  √  nextval('all_variantsequence_seq'::regclass) primary key, uniquely identifying the record
all_variant_sequence creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
all_variant_sequence endcoordinate numeric 131089  √  null
all_variant_sequence modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
all_variant_sequence referencesequence text 2147483647  √  null text string identifying the reference (non-variant) version of this sequence
all_variant_sequence startcoordinate numeric 131089  √  null
all_variant_sequence variantsequence text 2147483647  √  null text string identifying the variant version of this sequence
all_variant_sequence version text 2147483647  √  null
bib_acc_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
bib_acc_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
bib_acc_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
bib_acc_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
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bib_acc_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
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bib_acc_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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bib_acc_view preferred int2 5  √  null
bib_acc_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
bib_acc_view private int2 5  √  null
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bib_all_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
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bib_all_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
bib_all_view abstract text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view authors text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view citation text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
bib_all_view date text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view isreviewarticle int2 5  √  null
bib_all_view issue text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view jnum int4 10  √  null
bib_all_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view journal text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
bib_all_view pgs text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view referencetype text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view short_citation text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view title text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view vol text 2147483647  √  null
bib_all_view year int4 10  √  null
bib_associateddata_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
bib_associateddata_view has_alleles int4 10  √  null
bib_associateddata_view has_antibodies int4 10  √  null
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bib_associateddata_view has_go int4 10  √  null
bib_associateddata_view has_gxdimages int4 10  √  null
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bib_associateddata_view has_gxdspecimens int4 10  √  null
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bib_associateddata_view has_markers int4 10  √  null
bib_associateddata_view has_probes int4 10  √  null
bib_associateddata_view has_strain int4 10  √  null
bib_books _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
bib_books book_au text 2147483647  √  null author
bib_books book_title text 2147483647  √  null title
bib_books creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
bib_books modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
bib_books place text 2147483647  √  null publisher location
bib_books publisher text 2147483647  √  null publisher name
bib_books series_ed text 2147483647  √  null edition/series
bib_citation_cache _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
bib_citation_cache _relevance_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term._Vocab_key = 149
bib_citation_cache citation text 2147483647 long citation format
bib_citation_cache doiid text 2147483647  √  null DOI (digital object identifier) accession ID
bib_citation_cache isreviewarticle int2 5 is this a review article?
bib_citation_cache isreviewarticlestring bpchar 3 string representation of isReviewArticle
bib_citation_cache jnumid text 2147483647  √  null J: accession id
bib_citation_cache journal text 2147483647  √  null reference journal
bib_citation_cache mgiid text 2147483647 MGI accession id
bib_citation_cache numericpart int4 10  √  null the trailing numerical portion of accID
bib_citation_cache pubmedid text 2147483647  √  null pubmed accession ID
bib_citation_cache referencetype text 2147483647 term of foreign key to VOC_Term._Vocab_key = 131
bib_citation_cache relevanceterm text 2147483647 term of foreign key to VOC_Term._Vocab_key = 149
bib_citation_cache short_citation text 2147483647 short citation format
bib_goxref_view _marker_key int4 10  √  null
bib_goxref_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
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bib_notes creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
bib_notes modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
bib_notes note text 2147483647 note
bib_refs _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
bib_refs _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
bib_refs _primary text 2147483647  √  null primary author; extracted from authors field
bib_refs _referencetype_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 131 (Reference Type)
bib_refs _refs_key serial 10  √  nextval('bib_refs_seq'::regclass) primary key
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bib_refs authors text 2147483647  √  null reference authors
bib_refs creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
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bib_refs isreviewarticle int2 5 is this a review article?
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bib_refs modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
bib_refs pgs text 2147483647  √  null page range of reference
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bib_refs vol text 2147483647  √  null reference volume number
bib_refs year int4 10  √  null year of publication
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bib_summary_view has_gxdimages int4 10  √  null
bib_summary_view has_gxdindex int4 10  √  null
bib_summary_view has_gxdresults int4 10  √  null
bib_summary_view has_gxdspecimens int4 10  √  null
bib_summary_view has_mapping int4 10  √  null
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bib_summary_view isreviewarticle int2 5  √  null
bib_summary_view isreviewarticlestring bpchar 3  √  null
bib_summary_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
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bib_summary_view year int4 10  √  null
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bib_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
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bib_view date text 2147483647  √  null
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bib_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
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bib_view title text 2147483647  √  null
bib_view vol text 2147483647  √  null
bib_view year int4 10  √  null
bib_workflow_data _assoc_key serial 10  √  nextval('bib_workflow_data_seq'::regclass) primary key
bib_workflow_data _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
bib_workflow_data _extractedtext_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where_Vocab_key = 142 (Lit Triage Extracted Text Section)
bib_workflow_data _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
bib_workflow_data _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
bib_workflow_data _supplemental_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where_Vocab_key = 130 (Workflow Supplemental Status)
bib_workflow_data creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
bib_workflow_data extractedtext text 2147483647  √  null PDF data that is saved as text per specific section
bib_workflow_data haspdf int2 5 0 does Reference have a PDF?
bib_workflow_data linksupplemental text 2147483647  √  null not used/can be removed
bib_workflow_data modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
bib_workflow_relevance _assoc_key serial 10  √  nextval('bib_workflow_relevance_seq'::regclass) primary key
bib_workflow_relevance _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
bib_workflow_relevance _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
bib_workflow_relevance _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
bib_workflow_relevance _relevance_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 149 (Workflow Relevance)
bib_workflow_relevance confidence float8 17,17  √  null confidence values of the predicted relevance classifier
bib_workflow_relevance creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
bib_workflow_relevance iscurrent int2 5 1 if 1, then current Relevance for this Reference
bib_workflow_relevance modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
bib_workflow_relevance version text 2147483647  √  null version of relevance classifier
bib_workflow_status _assoc_key serial 10  √  nextval('bib_workflow_status_seq'::regclass)
bib_workflow_status _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
bib_workflow_status _group_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 127 (Workflow Group)
bib_workflow_status _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
bib_workflow_status _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
bib_workflow_status _status_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 128 (Workflow Status)
bib_workflow_status creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
bib_workflow_status iscurrent int2 5 1 if 1, then current Status for this Reference/Group
bib_workflow_status modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
bib_workflow_tag _assoc_key serial 10  √  nextval('bib_workflow_tag_seq'::regclass)
bib_workflow_tag _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
bib_workflow_tag _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
bib_workflow_tag _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
bib_workflow_tag _tag_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 129 (Workflow Tag)
bib_workflow_tag creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
bib_workflow_tag modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
crs_cross _cross_key int4 10 primary key
crs_cross _femalestrain_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Strain; maternal strain
crs_cross _malestrain_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Strain; paternal strain
crs_cross _strainho_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Strain; homozygous strain
crs_cross _strainht_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Strain; heterozygous strain
crs_cross abbrevho text 2147483647  √  null strain abbreviation for homozygous strain
crs_cross abbrevht text 2147483647  √  null strain abbreviation for heterozygous strain
crs_cross allelefromsegparent int2 5 is the allele from the segregating parent?
crs_cross creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
crs_cross displayed int2 5 does this cross get displayed in the Cross Lookup list? yes (1), no (0)
crs_cross f1directionknown int2 5 is the F1 direction known?
crs_cross femaleallele1 bpchar 1  √  null first allele of maternal strain; used during construction of maternal genotype
crs_cross femaleallele2 bpchar 1  √  null second allele of maternal strain; used during construction of maternal genotype
crs_cross maleallele1 bpchar 1  √  null first allele of paternal strain; used during construction of paternal genotype
crs_cross maleallele2 bpchar 1  √  null second allele of paternal strain; used during construction of paternal genotype
crs_cross modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
crs_cross nprogeny int4 10  √  null number of progeny resulting from cross
crs_cross type text 2147483647 type of cross
crs_cross whosecross text 2147483647  √  null if non-null, then name of cross. if null, then this is a one-time only anonymous cross.
crs_matrix _cross_key int4 10 foreign key to CRS_Cross
crs_matrix _marker_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to MRK_Marker
crs_matrix chromosome text 2147483647 chromosome on which Marker is located (may disagree with MGD)
crs_matrix creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
crs_matrix modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
crs_matrix notes text 2147483647  √  null notes
crs_matrix othersymbol text 2147483647  √  null symbol if not in MGD (and therefore _Marker_key is null)
crs_matrix rownumber int4 10 row number
crs_progeny _cross_key int4 10 foreign key to CRS_Cross
crs_progeny creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
crs_progeny modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
crs_progeny name text 2147483647  √  null progeny name
crs_progeny notes text 2147483647  √  null textual information
crs_progeny sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
crs_progeny sex bpchar 1 sex of progeny (M, F)
crs_references _cross_key int4 10 foreign key to CRS_Cross
crs_references _marker_key int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
crs_references _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
crs_references creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
crs_references modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
crs_typings _cross_key int4 10 foreign key to CRS_Cross
crs_typings colnumber int4 10 column number
crs_typings creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
crs_typings data text 2147483647  √  null haplotype data
crs_typings modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
crs_typings rownumber int4 10 row number
dag_closure _ancestor_key int4 10 foreign key to DAG_Node._Node_key
dag_closure _ancestorlabel_key int4 10 foreign key to DAG_Label; the label of the Ancestor
dag_closure _ancestorobject_key int4 10 the MGI object to which the Ancestor node refers
dag_closure _dag_key int4 10 foreign key to DAG_DAG
dag_closure _descendent_key int4 10 foreign key to DAG_Node._Node_key
dag_closure _descendentlabel_key int4 10 foreign key to DAG_Label; the label of the Descendent
dag_closure _descendentobject_key int4 10 the MGI object to which the Descendent node refers
dag_closure _mgitype_key int4 10 foreign key to ACC_MGIType
dag_closure creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
dag_closure modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
dag_dag _dag_key int4 10 primary key
dag_dag _mgitype_key int4 10 foreign key to ACC_MGIType
dag_dag _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
dag_dag abbreviation bpchar 5 abbreviated name
dag_dag creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
dag_dag modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
dag_dag name text 2147483647 name of the DAG
dag_edge _child_key int4 10 foreign key to DAG_Node._Node_key
dag_edge _dag_key int4 10 foreign key to DAG_DAG
dag_edge _edge_key int4 10 primary key
dag_edge _label_key int4 10 foreign key to DAG_Label
dag_edge _parent_key int4 10 foreign key to DAG_Node._Node_key
dag_edge creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
dag_edge modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
dag_edge sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
dag_label _label_key int4 10 primary key
dag_label creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
dag_label label text 2147483647 the label
dag_label modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
dag_node _dag_key int4 10 foreign key to DAG_DAG
dag_node _label_key int4 10 foreign key to DAG_Label
dag_node _node_key int4 10 primary key
dag_node _object_key int4 10 foreign key to any object defined in ACC_MGIType
dag_node creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
dag_node modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
dag_node_view _dag_key int4 10  √  null
dag_node_view _label_key int4 10  √  null
dag_node_view _node_key int4 10  √  null
dag_node_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
dag_node_view _vocab_key int4 10  √  null
dag_node_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
dag_node_view dag text 2147483647  √  null
dag_node_view dagabbrev bpchar 5  √  null
dag_node_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
go_tracking _completedby_key int4 10  √  null user who completed the record
go_tracking _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
go_tracking _marker_key int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
go_tracking _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
go_tracking completion_date timestamp 29,6  √  now() date GO Tracking was completed
go_tracking creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
go_tracking isreferencegene int2 5 if 1, then the gene is a reference gene, else 0.
go_tracking modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_allelegenotype _allele_key int4 10 foreign key to ALL_Allele
gxd_allelegenotype _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_allelegenotype _genotype_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Genotype
gxd_allelegenotype _marker_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to MRK_Marker
gxd_allelegenotype _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_allelegenotype creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_allelegenotype modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_allelegenotype sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
gxd_allelepair _allele_key_1 int4 10 foreign key to ALL_Allele
gxd_allelepair _allele_key_2 int4 10  √  null foreign key to ALL_Allele
gxd_allelepair _allelepair_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_allelepair_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_allelepair _compound_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 74 (GXD Conditional Mutants)
gxd_allelepair _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_allelepair _genotype_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Genotype
gxd_allelepair _marker_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to MRK_Marker
gxd_allelepair _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_allelepair _mutantcellline_key_1 int4 10  √  null foreign key to ALL_CellLine
gxd_allelepair _mutantcellline_key_2 int4 10  √  null foreign key to ALL_CellLine
gxd_allelepair _pairstate_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 39 (Allele Pair State)
gxd_allelepair creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_allelepair modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_allelepair sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
gxd_allelepair_view _allele_key_1 int4 10  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view _allele_key_2 int4 10  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view _allelepair_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view _compound_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view _genotype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view _marker_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view _mutantcellline_key_1 int4 10  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view _mutantcellline_key_2 int4 10  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view _pairstate_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_allelepair_view allele2 text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view allelestate text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view chromosome text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view compound text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_allelepair_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_antibody _antibody_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_antibody_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_antibody _antibodyclass_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_AntibodyClass
gxd_antibody _antibodytype_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_AntibodyType
gxd_antibody _antigen_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Antigen
gxd_antibody _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_antibody _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_antibody _organism_key int4 10 organism (foreign key to MGI_Organism)
gxd_antibody antibodyname text 2147483647 name of Antibody
gxd_antibody antibodynote text 2147483647  √  null note
gxd_antibody creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_antibody modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_antibody_acc_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibody_acc_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibody_acc_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antibody_acc_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibody_acc_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antibody_acc_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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gxd_antibody_acc_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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gxd_antibody_acc_view preferred int2 5  √  null
gxd_antibody_acc_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
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gxd_antibody_view _antibodytype_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antibody_view antigennote text 2147483647  √  null
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gxd_antibody_view createdby text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_antibody_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_antibody_view mgiid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_antibody_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_antibody_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_antibody_view numericpart int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibody_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_antibody_view regioncovered text 2147483647  √  null
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gxd_antibodyalias _antibodyalias_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_antibodyalias_seq'::regclass) primary key
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gxd_antibodyalias alias text 2147483647 alias name
gxd_antibodyalias creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_antibodyalias modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_antibodyalias_view _antibody_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibodyalias_view _antibodyalias_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibodyalias_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antibodyalias_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_antibodyalias_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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gxd_antibodyaliasref_view _antibodyalias_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibodyaliasref_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antibodyaliasref_view antibodyname text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_antibodyaliasref_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_antibodyaliasref_view jnum int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibodyaliasref_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_antibodyaliasref_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_antibodyaliasref_view short_citation text 2147483647  √  null
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gxd_antibodyantigen_view _cellline_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antibodyantigen_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antibodyantigen_view _strain_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antibodyantigen_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_antibodyantigen_view description text 2147483647  √  null
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gxd_antibodyantigen_view mgiid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_antibodyantigen_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_antibodyantigen_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
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gxd_antibodyantigen_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_antibodyantigen_view regioncovered text 2147483647  √  null
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gxd_antibodymarker _antibodymarker_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_antibodymarker_seq'::regclass)
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gxd_antibodymarker creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_antibodymarker modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
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gxd_antibodymarker_view _marker_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antibodymarker_view chromosome text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_antibodymarker_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
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gxd_antibodyprep _antibodyprep_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_antibodyprep_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_antibodyprep _label_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Label
gxd_antibodyprep _secondary_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Antibody
gxd_antibodyprep creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_antibodyprep modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_antibodyprep_view _antibody_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibodyprep_view _antibodyprep_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibodyprep_view _assay_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibodyprep_view _label_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antibodyprep_view _secondary_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antibodyprep_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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gxd_antibodyprep_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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gxd_antigen _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_antigen _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_antigen _source_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Source
gxd_antigen antigenname text 2147483647 antigen name
gxd_antigen antigennote text 2147483647  √  null textual information
gxd_antigen creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_antigen modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_antigen regioncovered text 2147483647  √  null region covered by antigen
gxd_antigen_acc_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antigen_acc_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antigen_acc_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antigen_acc_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antigen_acc_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antigen_acc_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antigen_acc_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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gxd_antigen_acc_view preferred int2 5  √  null
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gxd_antigen_summary_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antigen_summary_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antigen_summary_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antigen_summary_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antigen_summary_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antigen_summary_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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gxd_antigen_summary_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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gxd_antigen_summary_view preferred int2 5  √  null
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gxd_antigen_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_antigen_view _gender_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antigen_view _strain_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_antigen_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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gxd_antigen_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
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gxd_antigen_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_antigen_view regioncovered text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_assay _antibodyprep_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to GXD_AntibodyPrep
gxd_assay _assay_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_assay_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_assay _assaytype_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_AssayType
gxd_assay _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_assay _imagepane_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to IMG_ImagePane
gxd_assay _marker_key int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
gxd_assay _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_assay _probeprep_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to GXD_ProbePrep
gxd_assay _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
gxd_assay _reportergene_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 14 (GXD Reporter Gene); 'hemagglutinin', 'lacZ', 'GFP', 'Cre', 'FLP', etc.
gxd_assay creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_assay modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_assay_acc_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_acc_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_acc_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_acc_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_assay_acc_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_assay_acc_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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gxd_assay_acc_view preferred int2 5  √  null
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gxd_assay_allele_view _assay_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_assay_dltemplate_view _specimen_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_assay_dltemplate_view at1 int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_dltemplate_view at2 int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_dltemplate_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
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gxd_assay_dltemplate_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
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gxd_assay_view _assay_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_view _assaytype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_view _imagepane_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_view _marker_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_view _probeprep_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_assay_view _reportergene_key int4 10  √  null
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gxd_assay_view chromosome text 2147483647  √  null
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gxd_assay_view isrnaassay int2 5  √  null
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gxd_assay_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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gxd_assaynote _assaynote_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_assaynote_seq'::regclass)
gxd_assaynote assaynote text 2147483647 note
gxd_assaynote creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_assaynote modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_assaytype _assaytype_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_assaytype_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_assaytype assaytype text 2147483647 assay type description
gxd_assaytype creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_assaytype isgelassay int2 5 is assay type a gel assay? yes (1), no (0)
gxd_assaytype isrnaassay int2 5 does assay type detect RNA? yes (1), no (0)
gxd_assaytype modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_assaytype sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
gxd_expression _assay_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Assay
gxd_expression _assaytype_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_AssayType
gxd_expression _celltype_term_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 102 (Cell Ontology)
gxd_expression _emapa_term_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 90 (EMAPA)
gxd_expression _expression_key int4 10 primary key
gxd_expression _gellane_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to GXD_GelLane
gxd_expression _genotype_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Genotype
gxd_expression _marker_key int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
gxd_expression _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
gxd_expression _specimen_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to GXD_Specimen
gxd_expression _stage_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_TheilerStage
gxd_expression age text 2147483647 age of anatomical structure
gxd_expression agemax numeric 131089  √  null maximum age value determined by age field
gxd_expression agemin numeric 131089  √  null minimum age value determined by age field
gxd_expression creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_expression expressed int2 5 is Marker expressed in Structure? yes (1), no (0)
gxd_expression hasimage int2 5 if 1 (true), the this Assay contains an Image
gxd_expression isforgxd int2 5 if 1 (true), then this Assay will appear in GXD counts and queries (in front-end)
gxd_expression isrecombinase int2 5 if 1 (true), then this Assay has a Recombinase Reporter Gene (VOC_Term._Vocab_key = 14)
gxd_expression modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_expression resultnote text 2147483647  √  null result notes
gxd_expression strength text 2147483647  √  null strength
gxd_gelband _gelband_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_gelband_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_gelband _gellane_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_GelLane
gxd_gelband _gelrow_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_GelRow
gxd_gelband _strength_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term
gxd_gelband bandnote text 2147483647  √  null textual information
gxd_gelband creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_gelband modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_gelband_view _assay_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gelband_view _gelband_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gelband_view _gellane_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gelband_view _gelrow_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gelband_view _strength_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gelband_view bandnote text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gelband_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_gelband_view lanenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_gelband_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_gelband_view rownum int4 10  √  null
gxd_gelband_view strength text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellane _assay_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Assay
gxd_gellane _gelcontrol_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_GelControl
gxd_gellane _gellane_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_gellane_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_gellane _gelrnatype_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_GelRNAType
gxd_gellane _genotype_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Genotype
gxd_gellane age text 2147483647 age of animal
gxd_gellane agemax numeric 131089  √  null maximum age range determined by age field; system calculated
gxd_gellane agemin numeric 131089  √  null minimum age range determined by age field; system calculated
gxd_gellane agenote text 2147483647  √  null age notes
gxd_gellane creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_gellane lanelabel text 2147483647  √  null lane label to describe lane contents
gxd_gellane lanenote text 2147483647  √  null notes for entire lane
gxd_gellane modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_gellane sampleamount text 2147483647  √  null amount of source material for RNA gels
gxd_gellane sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
gxd_gellane sex text 2147483647 sex of animal (Female, Male, Pooled)
gxd_gellane_view _assay_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellane_view _gelcontrol_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellane_view _gellane_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellane_view _gelrnatype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellane_view _genotype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellane_view age text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellane_view agemax numeric 131089  √  null
gxd_gellane_view agemin numeric 131089  √  null
gxd_gellane_view agenote text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellane_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_gellane_view gellanecontent text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellane_view lanelabel text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellane_view lanenote text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellane_view mgiid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellane_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_gellane_view rnatype text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellane_view sampleamount text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellane_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellane_view sex text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellane_view strain text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellanestructure _emapa_term_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 90 (EMAPA)
gxd_gellanestructure _gellane_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_GelLane
gxd_gellanestructure _gellanestructure_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_gellanestructure_seq'::regclass)
gxd_gellanestructure _stage_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_TheilerStage
gxd_gellanestructure creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_gellanestructure modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_gellanestructure_view _assay_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellanestructure_view _emapa_term_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellanestructure_view _gellane_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellanestructure_view _gellanestructure_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellanestructure_view _stage_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellanestructure_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_gellanestructure_view displayit text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gellanestructure_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_gellanestructure_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellanestructure_view stage int4 10  √  null
gxd_gellanestructure_view term text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gelrow _assay_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Assay
gxd_gelrow _gelrow_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_gelrow_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_gelrow _gelunits_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_GelUnits
gxd_gelrow creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_gelrow modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_gelrow rownote text 2147483647  √  null textual information
gxd_gelrow sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
gxd_gelrow size numeric 131089  √  null size of band
gxd_gelrow_view _assay_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gelrow_view _gelrow_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gelrow_view _gelunits_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_gelrow_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_gelrow_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_gelrow_view rownote text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gelrow_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_gelrow_view size numeric 131089  √  null
gxd_gelrow_view size_str text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_gelrow_view units text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_genotype _existsas_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 60 (Genotype Exists As); this genotype exists as 'Mouse Line', 'Cell Line', 'Chimeric', 'Not Specified', 'Not Applicable'
gxd_genotype _genotype_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_genotype_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_genotype _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_genotype _strain_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Strain
gxd_genotype creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_genotype isconditional int2 5 is this a conditional genotype?
gxd_genotype modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_genotype note text 2147483647  √  null note
gxd_genotype_acc_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view description text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view logicaldb text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view numericpart int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view preferred int2 5  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_acc_view private int2 5  √  null
gxd_genotype_dataset_view _genotype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_dataset_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_dataset_view strain text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view description text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view logicaldb text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view mgiid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view numericpart int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view preferred int2 5  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view private int2 5  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view short_description text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_summary_view subtype text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_view _existsas_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_view _genotype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_view _strain_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotype_view createdby text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_genotype_view displayit text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_view existsas text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_view isconditional int2 5  √  null
gxd_genotype_view mgiid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_genotype_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_view note text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotype_view strain text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotypeannotheader_view annotkey int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotypeannotheader_view headersequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotypeannotheader_view headerterm text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotypeannotheader_view headertermkey int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotypeannotheader_view term text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_genotypeannotheader_view termkey int4 10  √  null
gxd_genotypeannotheader_view termsequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_htexperiment _createdby_key int4 10 1001 foreign key to MGI_User; user who created the record
gxd_htexperiment _curationstate_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term, identifying whether curation for this experiment has finished
gxd_htexperiment _evaluatedby_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to MGI_User; user who evaluated this experiment and set its _Relevance_key
gxd_htexperiment _evaluationstate_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term, identifying whether this experiment has been curated or not
gxd_htexperiment _experiment_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_htexperiment_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_htexperiment _experimenttype_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term, in identifying the MGI curated value for experiment type
gxd_htexperiment _initialcuratedby_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to MGI_User; user who first curated the experiment, converting it from its raw status
gxd_htexperiment _lastcuratedby_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to MGI_User; user who last curated the experiment, converting it from its raw status
gxd_htexperiment _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 foreign key to MGI_User; user who last modified the record
gxd_htexperiment _source_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term, identifies site from which we downloaded raw data for this experiment
gxd_htexperiment _studytype_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term, identifying whether this experiment is a baseline or differential study
gxd_htexperiment confidence numeric 131089 0.0 The relevance classifier’s confidence in its prediction
gxd_htexperiment creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_htexperiment description text 2147483647  √  null textual description
gxd_htexperiment evaluated_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_htexperiment initial_curated_date timestamp 29,6  √  null date record was first curated
gxd_htexperiment last_curated_date timestamp 29,6  √  null date record was last curated
gxd_htexperiment lastupdate_date timestamp 29,6  √  null date the experiment was last updated at source
gxd_htexperiment modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_htexperiment name text 2147483647  √  null name/title of the experiment
gxd_htexperiment release_date timestamp 29,6  √  null date the experiment was first uploaded to source
gxd_htexperimentvariable _experiment_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Experiment, identifies the experiment of the variable
gxd_htexperimentvariable _experimentvariable_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_htexperimentvariable_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_htexperimentvariable _term_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term, identifying whether the experiment variable
gxd_htrawsample _createdby_key int4 10 1001 foreign key to MGI_User, user who created the record
gxd_htrawsample _experiment_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_HTExperiment
gxd_htrawsample _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 foreign key to MGI_User, user who last modified the record
gxd_htrawsample _rawsample_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_htrawsample_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_htrawsample accid text 2147483647  √  null raw sample accession ID
gxd_htrawsample creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_htrawsample modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_htsample _celltype_term_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 102 (Cell Ontology)
gxd_htsample _createdby_key int4 10 1001 foreign key to MGI_User; user who created the record
gxd_htsample _emapa_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to VOC_Term, identifying the EMAPA structure for this sample
gxd_htsample _experiment_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_HTExperiment, identifies the experiment with which this sample is associated
gxd_htsample _genotype_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Genotype, identifying the genotype of the sample
gxd_htsample _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 foreign key to MGI_User; user who last modified the record
gxd_htsample _organism_key int4 10 foreign key to MGI_Organism, identifying type of organism for the sample
gxd_htsample _relevance_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term, identifies if this sample is relevant for GXD or, if not, why not
gxd_htsample _sample_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_htsample_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_htsample _sex_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term, identifying sex of the sample
gxd_htsample _stage_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to GXD_TheilerStage, identifying the Theiler Stage of the sample
gxd_htsample age text 2147483647  √  null textual age of the sample
gxd_htsample agemax numeric 131089  √  null
gxd_htsample agemin numeric 131089  √  null
gxd_htsample creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_htsample modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_htsample name text 2147483647  √  null name/title of the sample
gxd_htsample_rnaseq _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_htsample_rnaseq _marker_key int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
gxd_htsample_rnaseq _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_htsample_rnaseq _rnaseq_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_htsample_rnaseq_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_htsample_rnaseq _rnaseqcombined_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_HTSample_RNASeqCombined
gxd_htsample_rnaseq _sample_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_HTSample
gxd_htsample_rnaseq averagetpm numeric 131089 the average TPM of the sample
gxd_htsample_rnaseq creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_htsample_rnaseq modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_htsample_rnaseq quantilenormalizedtpm numeric 131089 the quantile normlized TPM of the sample
gxd_htsample_rnaseqcombined _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_htsample_rnaseqcombined _level_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 144 (RNA-Seq TPM Level)
gxd_htsample_rnaseqcombined _marker_key int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
gxd_htsample_rnaseqcombined _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_htsample_rnaseqcombined _rnaseqcombined_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_htsample_rnaseqcombined_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_htsample_rnaseqcombined averagequantilenormalizedtpm numeric 131089 the average quantile normlized TPM
gxd_htsample_rnaseqcombined creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_htsample_rnaseqcombined modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_htsample_rnaseqcombined numberofbiologicalreplicates int4 10 the number of biological replicates
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset _emapa_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset _experiment_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_HTExperiment
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset _genotype_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Genotype
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset _organism_key int4 10 foreign key to MGI_Organism
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset _rnaseqset_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_htsample_rnaseqset_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset _sex_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset _stage_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_TheilerStage
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset age text 2147483647 textual age
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset note text 2147483647  √  null sample note from MGI_Note where _NoteType_key = 1048
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset_cache _assoc_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_htsample_rnaseqset_cache_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset_cache _createdby_key int4 10 1001
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset_cache _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset_cache _rnaseqcombined_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_HTSample_RNASeqCombined
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset_cache _rnaseqset_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_HTSample_RNASeqSet
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset_cache creation_date timestamp 29,6 now()
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset_cache modification_date timestamp 29,6 now()
gxd_htsample_rnaseqsetmember _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_htsample_rnaseqsetmember _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_htsample_rnaseqsetmember _rnaseqset_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_HTSample_RNASeq, identifing the set
gxd_htsample_rnaseqsetmember _rnaseqsetmember_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_htsample_rnaseqsetmember_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_htsample_rnaseqsetmember _sample_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_HTSample, identifying the sample member
gxd_htsample_rnaseqsetmember creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_htsample_rnaseqsetmember modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_index _conditionalmutants_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 74 (GXD Conditional Mutants); 'Both tg & KI', 'Induce (minor)', 'Inducile', 'Knocked in', 'Tg (minor amt)', 'Transgenic', 'Not Specified', 'Not Applicable'
gxd_index _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_index _index_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_index_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_index _marker_key int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
gxd_index _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_index _priority_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 11 (GXD Index Priority); 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'
gxd_index _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
gxd_index comments text 2147483647  √  null textual information
gxd_index creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_index modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_index_stages _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
gxd_index_stages _index_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Index
gxd_index_stages _indexassay_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 12 (GXD Index Assay); 'Prot-sxn', 'RNA-sxn', 'Prot-WM', 'RNA-WM', 'Knock in', 'Northern', 'Western', etc.
gxd_index_stages _indexstage_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_indexstage_seq'::regclass)
gxd_index_stages _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
gxd_index_stages _stageid_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 13 (GXD Index Stage); '1', '1.5', '2', '2.5'...'19', '19.5'
gxd_index_stages creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_index_stages modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_index_summaryby_view _index_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view _indexassay_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view _marker_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view age text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view comments text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view conditional text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view indexassay text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view isfullcoded int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view markerid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view markerstatus text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view markertype text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view name text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view priority text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view short_citation text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_summaryby_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_view _conditionalmutants_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_view _index_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_view _marker_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_view _priority_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_view comments text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_view createdby text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_index_view jnum int4 10  √  null
gxd_index_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_index_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_view short_citation text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_index_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_insituresult _pattern_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term
gxd_insituresult _result_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_insituresult_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_insituresult _specimen_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Specimen
gxd_insituresult _strength_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term
gxd_insituresult creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_insituresult modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_insituresult resultnote text 2147483647  √  null textual information
gxd_insituresult sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
gxd_insituresult_view _pattern_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_insituresult_view _result_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_insituresult_view _specimen_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_insituresult_view _strength_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_insituresult_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_insituresult_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_insituresult_view pattern text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_insituresult_view resultnote text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_insituresult_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_insituresult_view strength text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_insituresultimage _imagepane_key int4 10 foreign key to IMG_ImagePane
gxd_insituresultimage _result_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_InSituResult
gxd_insituresultimage _resultimage_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_insituresultimage_seq'::regclass)
gxd_insituresultimage creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_insituresultimage modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_isresultcelltype _celltype_term_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 102 (Cell Ontology)
gxd_isresultcelltype _result_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_InSituResult
gxd_isresultcelltype _resultcelltype_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_isresultcelltype_seq'::regclass)
gxd_isresultcelltype creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_isresultcelltype modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_isresultcelltype_view _assay_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultcelltype_view _celltype_term_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultcelltype_view _result_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultcelltype_view _resultcelltype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultcelltype_view _specimen_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultcelltype_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_isresultcelltype_view displayit text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_isresultcelltype_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_isresultcelltype_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultcelltype_view term text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view _image_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view _imagepane_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view _result_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view _resultimage_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view _specimen_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view figurelabel text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view figurepanelabel text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view height int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view panelabel text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view pixid int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view width int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view x int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view xdim int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view y int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultimage_view ydim int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultstructure _emapa_term_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 90 (EMAPA)
gxd_isresultstructure _result_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_InSituResult
gxd_isresultstructure _resultstructure_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_isresultstructure_seq'::regclass)
gxd_isresultstructure _stage_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_TheilerStage
gxd_isresultstructure creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_isresultstructure modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_isresultstructure_view _emapa_term_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultstructure_view _result_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultstructure_view _resultstructure_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultstructure_view _specimen_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultstructure_view _stage_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultstructure_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_isresultstructure_view displayit text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_isresultstructure_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_isresultstructure_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultstructure_view stage int4 10  √  null
gxd_isresultstructure_view term text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_probeprep _label_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Label
gxd_probeprep _probe_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Probe
gxd_probeprep _probeprep_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_probeprep_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_probeprep _sense_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_ProbeSense
gxd_probeprep _visualization_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_VisualizationMethod
gxd_probeprep creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_probeprep modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_probeprep type text 2147483647 final type of probe segment (DNA, RNA, Not Specified)
gxd_probeprep_view _assay_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view _label_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view _probe_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view _probeprep_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view _sense_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view _visualization_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view label text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view probename text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view sense text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view type text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_probeprep_view visualization text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_specimen _assay_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Assay
gxd_specimen _embedding_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_EmbeddingMethod
gxd_specimen _fixation_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_FixationMethod
gxd_specimen _genotype_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_Genotype
gxd_specimen _specimen_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_specimen_seq'::regclass) primary key
gxd_specimen age text 2147483647 age of embryo or animal
gxd_specimen agemax numeric 131089  √  null maximum age range determined by age field; system calculated
gxd_specimen agemin numeric 131089  √  null minimum age range determined by age field; system calculated
gxd_specimen agenote text 2147483647  √  null age notes
gxd_specimen creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_specimen hybridization text 2147483647 probe hybridized to? (sections, whole mount, section from whole mount)
gxd_specimen modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_specimen sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
gxd_specimen sex text 2147483647 sex of specimen (Female, Male, Pooled)
gxd_specimen specimenlabel text 2147483647  √  null specimen label
gxd_specimen specimennote text 2147483647  √  null specimen note
gxd_specimen_view _assay_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_specimen_view _embedding_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_specimen_view _fixation_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_specimen_view _genotype_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_specimen_view _specimen_key int4 10  √  null
gxd_specimen_view age text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_specimen_view agemax numeric 131089  √  null
gxd_specimen_view agemin numeric 131089  √  null
gxd_specimen_view agenote text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_specimen_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_specimen_view embeddingmethod text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_specimen_view fixation text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_specimen_view hybridization text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_specimen_view mgiid text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_specimen_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
gxd_specimen_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
gxd_specimen_view sex text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_specimen_view specimenlabel text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_specimen_view specimennote text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_specimen_view strain text 2147483647  √  null
gxd_theilerstage _stage_key int4 10 primary key
gxd_theilerstage creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
gxd_theilerstage description text 2147483647  √  null description of the anatomical developments
gxd_theilerstage dpcmax numeric 131089 approximate mapping to maximum DPC value
gxd_theilerstage dpcmin numeric 131089 approximate mapping to minimum DPC value
gxd_theilerstage modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
gxd_theilerstage stage int4 10 Theiler Stage (1-28)
img_image _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
img_image _image_key serial 10  √  nextval('img_image_seq'::regclass) primary key
img_image _imageclass_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 83 (Image Class); 'Expression', 'Phenotypes', 'Molecular'
img_image _imagetype_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 47 (Image Type)
img_image _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
img_image _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
img_image _thumbnailimage_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to IMG_Image; if _ImageType_key is full size, then this refers to an IMG_Image object where _ImageType_key is thumbnail; it specifies that thumbnail image counterpart of the full size Image.
img_image creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
img_image figurelabel text 2147483647 figure label
img_image modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
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img_image ydim int4 10  √  null Y dimensions of JPEG image
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img_image_acc_view preferred int2 5  √  null
img_image_acc_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
img_image_acc_view private int2 5  √  null
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img_image_summary2_view _imagepane_key int4 10  √  null
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img_image_summary2_view figurepanelabel text 2147483647  √  null
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img_image_summary2_view ydim int4 10  √  null
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img_image_summarybyreference_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
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img_image_summarybyreference_view assaytype text 2147483647  √  null
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img_image_summarybyreference_view panelabel text 2147483647  √  null
img_image_summarybyreference_view pixid text 2147483647  √  null
img_image_summarybyreference_view specimenlabel text 2147483647  √  null
img_image_summarybyreference_view specimennote text 2147483647  √  null
img_image_summarybyreference_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
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img_image_summarybyreference_view x int4 10  √  null
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img_image_summarybyreference_view y int4 10  √  null
img_image_summarybyreference_view ydim int4 10  √  null
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img_image_view ydim int4 10  √  null
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img_imagepane_assoc _imagepane_key int4 10 foreign key to IMG_ImagePane; specifies the Image Pane
img_imagepane_assoc _mgitype_key int4 10 foreign key to ACC_MGIType
img_imagepane_assoc _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
img_imagepane_assoc _object_key int4 10 foreign key to any object defined in ACC_MGIType
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img_imagepane_assoc modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
img_imagepane_assoc_view _assoc_key int4 10  √  null
img_imagepane_assoc_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
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img_imagepane_assoc_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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img_imagepaneallele_view _imagepane_key int4 10  √  null
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img_imagepaneallele_view figurelabel text 2147483647  √  null
img_imagepaneallele_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
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img_imagepanegenotype_view _assoc_key int4 10  √  null
img_imagepanegenotype_view _imagepane_key int4 10  √  null
img_imagepanegenotype_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
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img_imagepanegxd_view short_citation text 2147483647  √  null
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map_coord_collection _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
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map_coord_collection modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
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map_coord_feature _feature_key int4 10 primary key
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map_coord_feature _mgitype_key int4 10 foreign key to ACC_MGIType
map_coord_feature _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
map_coord_feature _object_key int4 10 foreign key to any object defined in ACC_MGIType
map_coord_feature creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
map_coord_feature endcoordinate numeric 131089 coordinate of the last base pair
map_coord_feature modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
map_coord_feature startcoordinate numeric 131089 coordinate of the first base pair
map_coord_feature strand bpchar 1  √  null if '+', the object is on the positive strand, else negative strand
map_coordinate _collection_key int4 10 foreign key to MAP_Coord_Collection
map_coordinate _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
map_coordinate _map_key int4 10 primary key
map_coordinate _maptype_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 29 (Map Type)
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map_coordinate _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
map_coordinate _object_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to any object defined in ACC_MGIType
map_coordinate _units_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 30 (Map Units)
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map_coordinate sequencenum int4 10 orders the Map withing the specified Map Collection
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map_gm_coord_feature_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
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map_gm_coord_feature_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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map_gm_coord_feature_view startcoordinate numeric 131089  √  null
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mgi_note _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
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mgi_note _object_key int4 10 foreign key to any object defined in ACC_MGIType
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mgi_note modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
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mgi_note_allele_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mgi_note_allele_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_note_allele_view notetype text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_note_allelevariant_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
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mgi_relationship modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
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mgi_relationship_fear_view _relationshipterm_key int4 10  √  null
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mgi_relationship_fear_view allelesymbol text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_relationship_fear_view categoryterm text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_relationship_fear_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_relationship_markerqtlcandidate_view _object_key_2 int4 10  √  null
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mgi_relationship_markerqtlcandidate_view marker2 text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_relationship_markerqtlinteraction_view _object_key_2 int4 10  √  null
mgi_relationship_markerqtlinteraction_view _relationship_key int4 10  √  null
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mgi_relationship_markerqtlinteraction_view marker2 text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_relationship_markertss_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
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mgi_relationship_markertss_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
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mgi_relationship_markertss_view _object_key_2 int4 10  √  null
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mgi_relationship_markertss_view _relationship_key int4 10  √  null
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mgi_relationship_markertss_view jnum int4 10  √  null
mgi_relationship_markertss_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_relationship_markertss_view marker2 text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_relationship_markertss_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mgi_relationship_markertss_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_relationship_markertss_view relationshipterm text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_relationship_markertss_view short_citation text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_relationship_property _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
mgi_relationship_property _propertyname_key int4 10 The name of the property
mgi_relationship_property _relationship_key int4 10 The relationship this property applies to
mgi_relationship_property _relationshipproperty_key serial 10  √  nextval('mgi_relationship_property_seq'::regclass) Primary key
mgi_relationship_property creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mgi_relationship_property modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mgi_relationship_property sequencenum int4 10 Order of properties in this relationship
mgi_relationship_property value text 2147483647 value of the property
mgi_set _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
mgi_set _mgitype_key int4 10 foreign key to ACC_MGIType
mgi_set _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
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mgi_set creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mgi_set modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
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mgi_setmember _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
mgi_setmember _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
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mgi_setmember _set_key int4 10 foreign key to MGI_Set
mgi_setmember _setmember_key int4 10 primary key
mgi_setmember creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mgi_setmember label text 2147483647  √  null label of the member (optional)
mgi_setmember modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mgi_setmember sequencenum int4 10 order of the member within the Set
mgi_setmember_emapa _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
mgi_setmember_emapa _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
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mgi_setmember_emapa _setmember_key int4 10 foreign key to MGI_SetMember
mgi_setmember_emapa _stage_key int4 10 foreign key to GXD_TheilerStage
mgi_setmember_emapa creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mgi_setmember_emapa modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mgi_synonym _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
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mgi_synonym _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
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mgi_synonym creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mgi_synonym modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
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mgi_synonym_allele_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_allele_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_allele_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_allele_view _organism_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_allele_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_allele_view _synonym_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_allele_view _synonymtype_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_allele_view allowonlyone int2 5  √  null
mgi_synonym_allele_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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mgi_synonym_allele_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_synonym_allele_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mgi_synonym_allele_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_synonym_allele_view synonym text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_synonym_allele_view synonymtype text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_synonym_musmarker_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
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mgi_synonym_musmarker_view _organism_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_musmarker_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
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mgi_synonym_musmarker_view _synonymtype_key int4 10  √  null
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mgi_synonym_musmarker_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
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mgi_synonym_musmarker_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_synonym_musmarker_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mgi_synonym_musmarker_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_synonym_musmarker_view synonymtype text 2147483647  √  null
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mgi_synonym_strain_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
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mgi_synonym_strain_view _organism_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view _synonym_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view _synonymtype_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view allowonlyone int2 5  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view jnum int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view short_citation text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view synonym text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_synonym_strain_view synonymtype text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_synonymtype _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
mgi_synonymtype _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to ACC_MGIType
mgi_synonymtype _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
mgi_synonymtype _organism_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to MGI_Organism
mgi_synonymtype _synonymtype_key int4 10 primary key
mgi_synonymtype allowonlyone int2 5 if 1, then there can be at most one Synonym of this type for a given object
mgi_synonymtype creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mgi_synonymtype definition text 2147483647  √  null defintion of the synonym type
mgi_synonymtype modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mgi_synonymtype synonymtype text 2147483647 synonym type
mgi_synonymtype_strain_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonymtype_strain_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonymtype_strain_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonymtype_strain_view _organism_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonymtype_strain_view _synonymtype_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_synonymtype_strain_view allowonlyone int2 5  √  null
mgi_synonymtype_strain_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mgi_synonymtype_strain_view definition text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_synonymtype_strain_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mgi_synonymtype_strain_view synonymtype text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_translation _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
mgi_translation _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
mgi_translation _object_key int4 10 foreign key to any object defined in ACC_MGIType
mgi_translation _translation_key serial 10  √  nextval('mgi_translation_seq'::regclass) primary key
mgi_translation _translationtype_key int4 10 foreign key to MGI_TranslationType
mgi_translation badname text 2147483647 bad name to translate
mgi_translation creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mgi_translation modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mgi_translation sequencenum int4 10 order of the Translation member
mgi_translationtype _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
mgi_translationtype _mgitype_key int4 10 foreign key to ACC_MGIType
mgi_translationtype _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
mgi_translationtype _translationtype_key int4 10 primary key
mgi_translationtype _vocab_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to VOC_Vocab
mgi_translationtype compressionchars text 2147483647  √  null list of characters to remove from a translation target before translation is applied.
mgi_translationtype creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mgi_translationtype modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mgi_translationtype regularexpression int2 5 if true (1), then apply a regular expression algorithm to the lookup of the translation target.
mgi_translationtype translationtype text 2147483647 name of the Translation Type
mgi_user _createdby_key int4 10 1001 user who created the record
mgi_user _group_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 127 (Workflow Group)
mgi_user _modifiedby_key int4 10 1001 user who last modified the record
mgi_user _user_key int4 10 primary key
mgi_user _userstatus_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 22 (User Status)
mgi_user _usertype_key int4 10 foreign key to VOC_Term where _Vocab_key = 23 (User Type)
mgi_user creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mgi_user login text 2147483647 database login
mgi_user modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mgi_user name text 2147483647 user name
mgi_user orcid text 2147483647  √  null ORC ids (see
mgi_user_active_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_user_active_view _group_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_user_active_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_user_active_view _user_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_user_active_view _userstatus_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_user_active_view _usertype_key int4 10  √  null
mgi_user_active_view createdby text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_user_active_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mgi_user_active_view login text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_user_active_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mgi_user_active_view modifiedby text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_user_active_view name text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_user_active_view orcid text 2147483647  √  null
mgi_user_active_view usertype text 2147483647  √  null
mld_assay_types _assay_type_key serial 10  √  nextval('mld_assay_types_seq'::regclass) primary key
mld_assay_types creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_assay_types description text 2147483647 assay description
mld_assay_types modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_concordance _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_concordance _marker_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to MRK_Marker
mld_concordance chromosome text 2147483647  √  null chromosome value; is NULL if _Marker_key is not NULL
mld_concordance cnn int4 10 -/-; number of Hybrid cells where neither the Concordance Marker/Chromosome nor the linkage Marker is present
mld_concordance cnp int4 10 -/+; number of Hybrid cells where the Concordance Marker/Chromosome is not present, but the linkage Marker is present
mld_concordance cpn int4 10 +/-; number of Hybrid cells where the Concordance Marker/Chromosome is present, but the linkage Marker is not present
mld_concordance cpp int4 10 +/+; number of Hybrid cells where both the Concordance Marker/Chromosome and the linkage Marker are present
mld_concordance creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_concordance modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_concordance sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
mld_contig _contig_key int4 10 primary key
mld_contig _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_contig creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_contig maxcm numeric 131089  √  null maximum cM position of markers within the Contig
mld_contig mincm numeric 131089  √  null minimum cM position of markers within the Contig
mld_contig minlink int4 10  √  null indicates the minimum number of common hits required to assemble YACs into the Contig.
mld_contig modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_contig name text 2147483647  √  null name of Contig
mld_contigprobe _contig_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Contig
mld_contigprobe _probe_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Probe
mld_contigprobe creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_contigprobe modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_contigprobe sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
mld_expt_marker _allele_key int4 10  √  null foreign key to ALL_Allele
mld_expt_marker _assay_type_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Assay_Types
mld_expt_marker _assoc_key serial 10  √  nextval('mld_expt_marker_seq'::regclass)
mld_expt_marker _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_expt_marker _marker_key int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
mld_expt_marker creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_expt_marker description text 2147483647  √  null description of probes used, etc.
mld_expt_marker matrixdata int2 5 is Marker typed in haplotype data? yes (1), no (0) (MLD_MCDataList)
mld_expt_marker modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_expt_marker sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
mld_expt_marker_view _allele_key int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view _assay_type_key int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view _assoc_key int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view _expt_key int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view _marker_key int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view _primary text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view allele text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view assay text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view authors text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view chromosome text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view description text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view expttype text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view jnum int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view matrixdata int2 5  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view sequencenum int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view short_citation text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view symbol text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_marker_view tag int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_notes _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_expt_notes creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_expt_notes modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_expt_notes note text 2147483647 note
mld_expt_view _expt_key int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_view _primary text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_view _refs_key int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_view authors text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_view chromosome text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mld_expt_view exptlabel text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_view expttype text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_view jnum int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_view jnumid text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_view mgiid text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mld_expt_view numericpart int4 10  √  null
mld_expt_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_view short_citation text 2147483647  √  null
mld_expt_view tag int4 10  √  null
mld_expts _expt_key serial 10  √  nextval('mld_expts_seq'::regclass) primary key
mld_expts _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
mld_expts chromosome text 2147483647 chromosome value
mld_expts creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_expts expttype text 2147483647 experiment type (ex. CROSS, RI, FISH, IN SITU, TEXT)
mld_expts modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_expts tag int4 10 unique integer value for each experiment type defined for a given reference (CROSS-1, CROSS-2, etc.)
mld_fish _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_fish _strain_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Strain
mld_fish band text 2147483647  √  null cytogenetic position on chromosome to which marker is assigned
mld_fish cellorigin text 2147483647  √  null cell type from which analyzed metaphase spreads were derived
mld_fish creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_fish karyotype text 2147483647  √  null method used to identify chromosome bands
mld_fish label text 2147483647  √  null type of fluorescence on probe
mld_fish modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_fish nummetaphase int4 10  √  null # of metaphase spreads analyzed in experiment
mld_fish robertsonians text 2147483647  √  null chromosomal aberration used to identify marker assignment
mld_fish totaldouble int4 10  √  null # of double fluorescent signals indicating presence of marker
mld_fish totalsingle int4 10  √  null # of single flourescent signals indicating presence of marker
mld_fish_region _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_fish_region creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_fish_region modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_fish_region region text 2147483647  √  null chromosomal region
mld_fish_region sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
mld_fish_region totaldouble int4 10  √  null number of double signals detected in region
mld_fish_region totalsingle int4 10  √  null number of single signals detected in region
mld_hit _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_hit _probe_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Probe
mld_hit _target_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Probe (Target (YAC))
mld_hit creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_hit modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_hybrid _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_hybrid band text 2147483647  √  null region on chromosome to which marker is assigned according to experimental results
mld_hybrid chrsorgenes int2 5 does MLD_Concordance table contain Chromosome (0) or Marker (1) values?
mld_hybrid creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_hybrid modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_insitu _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_insitu _strain_key int4 10 foreign key to PRB_Strain
mld_insitu band text 2147483647  √  null cytogenetic position on chromosome to which marker is assigned
mld_insitu cellorigin text 2147483647  √  null cell type from which analyzed metaphase spreads were derived
mld_insitu creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_insitu grainsonchrom int4 10  √  null # of grains hybridizing to correct chromosomal location
mld_insitu grainsotherchrom int4 10  √  null # of grains hybridizing to other chromosomal locations
mld_insitu karyotype text 2147483647  √  null method used to identify chromosome bands
mld_insitu modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_insitu nummetaphase int4 10  √  null # of metaphase spreads analyzed in experiment
mld_insitu robertsonians text 2147483647  √  null chromosomal aberration used to identify marker assignment
mld_insitu totalgrains int4 10  √  null # of grains observed in experiment
mld_isregion _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_isregion creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_isregion graincount int4 10 # of grains observed over the region
mld_isregion modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_isregion region text 2147483647  √  null chromosomal region
mld_isregion sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
mld_matrix _cross_key int4 10 foreign key to CRS_Cross
mld_matrix _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_matrix creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_matrix female text 2147483647  √  null genotype of mother
mld_matrix female2 text 2147483647  √  null genotype of mother; overflow
mld_matrix male text 2147483647  √  null genotype of father
mld_matrix male2 text 2147483647  √  null genotype of father; overflow
mld_matrix modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_mc2point _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_mc2point _marker_key_1 int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
mld_mc2point _marker_key_2 int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
mld_mc2point creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_mc2point modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_mc2point numparentals int4 10 # of animals exhibiting parental genotype
mld_mc2point numrecombinants int4 10 # of animals exhibiting recombinant genotype
mld_mc2point sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
mld_mcdatalist _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_mcdatalist alleleline text 2147483647 haplotypes for marker; order of alleles must correspond with order of Markers in Experiment Marker list (MLD_Expt_Marker)
mld_mcdatalist creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_mcdatalist modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_mcdatalist offspringnmbr int4 10 designates number of offspring detected with haplotype
mld_mcdatalist sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
mld_notes _refs_key int4 10 foreign key to BIB_Refs
mld_notes creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_notes modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_notes note text 2147483647 note
mld_ri _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_ri _riset_key int4 10 foreign key to RI_RISet
mld_ri creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_ri modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_ri ri_idlist text 2147483647 list of individual offspring typed
mld_ri2point _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_ri2point _marker_key_1 int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
mld_ri2point _marker_key_2 int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
mld_ri2point creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_ri2point modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_ri2point numrecombinants int4 10 # of animals exhibiting recombinant genotype
mld_ri2point numtotal int4 10 # of animals typed
mld_ri2point ri_lines text 2147483647  √  null RI sets used in typing
mld_ri2point sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
mld_ridata _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_ridata _marker_key int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
mld_ridata alleleline text 2147483647 haplotypes for marker; must correspond with listing of animals typed (MLD_RI.RI_IDList)
mld_ridata creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_ridata modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_ridata sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
mld_statistics _expt_key int4 10 foreign key to MLD_Expts
mld_statistics _marker_key_1 int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
mld_statistics _marker_key_2 int4 10 foreign key to MRK_Marker
mld_statistics creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
mld_statistics modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified
mld_statistics pcntrecomb numeric 131089 percentage of recombination per number of mice
mld_statistics recomb int4 10 number of mice which recombined for Marker pair
mld_statistics sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
mld_statistics stderr numeric 131089 standard error of the recombination percentage
mld_statistics total int4 10 total number of mice typed for Marker pair
mrk_acc_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_acc_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_acc_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_acc_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_acc_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_acc_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_acc_view _organism_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_acc_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
mrk_acc_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mrk_acc_view logicaldb text 2147483647  √  null
mrk_acc_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mrk_acc_view numericpart int4 10  √  null
mrk_acc_view preferred int2 5  √  null
mrk_acc_view prefixpart text 2147483647  √  null
mrk_acc_view private int2 5  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view _accession_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view _createdby_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view _logicaldb_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view _mgitype_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view _modifiedby_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view _object_key int4 10  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view accid text 2147483647  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view creation_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view description text 2147483647  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view logicaldb text 2147483647  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view mgitype text 2147483647  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view modification_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
mrk_accnoref_view numericpart int4 10  √  null