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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:177278 Chang SL, et al., Region- and cell type-selective expression of the evolutionarily conserved Nolz-1/zfp503 gene in the developing mouse hindbrain. Gene Expr Patterns. 2011 Dec;11(8):525-32
Assay type: RNA in situ
MGI Accession ID: MGI:5448161
Gene symbol: Zfp503
Gene name: zinc finger protein 503
Probe: Nolz-1 cDNA
Probe preparation: Antisense labelled with digoxigenin RNA
Visualized with: Alkaline phosphatase
Specimen 1A: embryonic day 8.75 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: future midbrain Present Non-Uniform 1A Areas of expression include strong expression at the forebrain-midbrain boundary.
TS13: future prosencephalon Present Non-Uniform 1A Areas of expression include strong expression at the forebrain-midbrain boundary.
TS13: midbrain-hindbrain junction Strong 1A
TS13: rhombomere 3 Strong 1A
TS13: rhombomere 5 Strong 1A
TS13: future hindbrain Present 1A Areas of expression include rhomobomeres 3 and 5, as well as more caudal expression.

Specimen 1B: embryonic day 9.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS15: future forebrain Present Non-Uniform 1B Areas of expression include strong expression at the forebrain-midbrain boundary.
TS15: future midbrain Present Non-Uniform 1B Areas of expression include strong expression at the forebrain-midbrain boundary.
TS15: midbrain-hindbrain junction Strong 1B
TS15: rhombomere 3 Strong 1B
TS15: rhombomere 5 Strong 1B
TS15: future hindbrain Present 1B Areas of expression include rhomobomeres 3 and 5, as well as more caudal expression.

Specimen 1C: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: midbrain-hindbrain junction Strong 1C
TS17: rhombomere 3 Strong 1C
TS17: rhombomere 5 Strong 1C
TS17: branchial arch Present 1C
TS17: eye Present 1C
TS17: forelimb bud Present 1C

Specimen 2A: embryonic day 10.75 (more )
Note: This is a parasagittal section.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS18: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 2A , 2A inset There is broad expression in the rhombomeres, except in the r1 region. Dinstinct clusters of expressing cells extend from r2-r5 and r6. There is expression in lateral areas as well.
TS18: rhombomere 1 Absent 2A
TS18: rhombomere 2 Present 2A
TS18: rhombomere 3 Present 2A
TS18: rhombomere 4 Present 2A
TS18: rhombomere 5 Present 2A
TS18: rhombomere 6 Present 2A
TS18: rhombomere 7 Present 2A
TS18: rhombomere 8 Present 2A
TS18: diencephalon Present 2A
TS18: midbrain Present 2A

Specimen 2B: embryonic day 10.75 (more )
Note: This is a parasagittal section.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS18: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 2B There is broad expression in the rhombomeres, except in the r1 region. Expression is also present near the vestibulocochlear boundary cap. There is prominent expression in columns and clusters of cells elsewhere.
TS18: rhombomere 1 Absent 2B
TS18: rhombomere 2 Present 2B
TS18: rhombomere 3 Present 2B , 2B inset
TS18: rhombomere 4 Present 2B
TS18: rhombomere 5 Present 2B
TS18: rhombomere 6 Present 2B
TS18: rhombomere 7 Present 2B
TS18: rhombomere 8 Present 2B
TS18: branchial arch Present 2B
TS18: midbrain Present 2B

Specimen 2C: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Note: This is a coronal section.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 2C There is prominent expression present in longitudinal columns.

Specimen 2D: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Note: This is a coronal section.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 2D Expression is present in the ventricular zone of rhombomeres 3 and the mantle zones of rhombomeres 3 and 5; it is not expressed in rhombomeres 1 and 4. There is a low level of expression in the ventricular zone of the rhombomere 2 region.

Specimen 2F: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Note: This is a coronal section.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: pons Strong Regionally restricted 2F Expression is present in distinct domains, including the presumptive vestibular nucleus.
TS22: medulla oblongata Present 2F

Specimen 2G: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Note: This is a coronal section.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: medulla oblongata Present Regionally restricted 2G Expression is present in longitudinal columns of reticular nuclei.
TS22: pons Strong Regionally restricted 2G Expression is present in distinct domains, including the presumptive cochlear nucleus.

Specimen 2H: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Note: This is a coronal section.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: medulla oblongata Present Regionally restricted 2H Expression is present in longitudinal columns of reticular nuclei.

Specimen 3A: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: hindbrain ventricular layer Present 3A Expression is present in the hindbrain alar plate.
TS19: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 3A Expression is present in the most lateral region of the pre-optic hindbrain, at a level anterior to and around the otic vesicle. It is not expressed in a domain in which the branchial motor neurons reside.

Specimen 3B: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 3B Expression is present in longitudinal columns.

Specimen 3C: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; red - Pax2 (assay MGI:5448230).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 3C Expression is present in longitudinal columns.

Specimen 3D: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; red - Pax2 (assay MGI:5448230).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 3D Expression is present in longitudinal columns.

Specimen 3D inset: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; brown - Pax2 (assay MGI:5448199).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: hindbrain Present 3D inset

Specimen 3E: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; red - Pax2 (assay MGI:5448230).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 3E Expression is present in the most lateral region of the pre-optic hindbrain.

Specimen 3F: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; red - Pax2 (assay MGI:5448230).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 3F Expression is present in longitudinal columns.

Specimen 3G: embryonic day 12.75 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: hindbrain ventricular layer Present 3G
TS20: hindbrain Present 3G Areas of expression include the prospective pre-intermediate reticular zone.

Specimen 3H: embryonic day 12.75 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: hindbrain Present 3H Areas of expression include the prepostitus hypoglossal nucleus area.

Specimen 3H inset: embryonic day 12.75 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; brown - Pax2 (assay MGI:5448199).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: hindbrain Present 3H inset

Specimen Table 1: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: medulla oblongata Present Regionally restricted Expression is present in a number of nuclei, including: gigantocellular; inferior olive (principal and medial); lateral paragigantocellular nucleus; and hypoglossal. There is no expression in a number of other nuclei, detailed in the table.
TS26: pons Present Regionally restricted There is strong expression in the dorsal cochlear nucleus and moderate expression in the ventral cochlear and prepositus hypoglossal nuclei.
TS26: brainstem Present Regionally restricted There is moderate expression in the dorsal medullary reticular nucleus and weak in the caudal linear raphe, intermediate reticular zone, locus coerulus and spinal trigeminal nucleus. There is possible expression in the rostroventrolateral reticular nuc.

Specimen 4A: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; brown - Isl1 (assay MGI:5448251) and Isl2 (assay MGI:5448543).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: midbrain Present 4A
TS26: brainstem Present 4A1 , 4A Expression is present in the caudal linear nucleus raphe.
TS26: pons Present 4A2 , 4A No expression is seen in the trigeminal motor nucleus.
TS26: medulla oblongata Strong 4A , 4A3 , 4A2 Expression is present in lateral paragigantocellular nucleus and the gigantocellular nucleus, as well as other cells.
TS26: brain Present Regionally restricted 4A Expression is present in the neuroepthelium surrounding the dorsal part of aqueduct.

Specimen 4B1/B3: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; brown - Isl1 (assay MGI:5448251) and Isl2 (assay MGI:5448543).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: superior colliculus Present 4B
TS26: medulla oblongata Present 4B Expression is present in the rostral medulla. It is not present in the nucleus of solitary tract.
TS26: midbrain Weak 4B1 , 4B
TS26: pons Present 4B3 , 4B Expression is present in the laterodorsal and dorsal tegmental nuclei.
TS26: brainstem Weak 4B3 , 4B Expression is present in the locus coerulus.
TS26: brain Present Regionally restricted 4B Expression is present in the neuroepthelium surrounding the dorsal part of aqueduct.

Specimen 4B4: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: pons Present Regionally restricted 4B4 , 4B Expression is present in the prepositus hypoglossal nucleus.
TS26: cerebellum Absent 4B , 4B4

Specimen 4B6: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: pons Present Regionally restricted 4B , 4B6 Expression is present in both the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei.
TS26: medulla oblongata Present Regionally restricted 4B6 , 4B Expression is present in the principal nucleus of inferior olive (pictured in the inset) and the ventral gigantoceulluar nucleus.
TS26: brainstem Present Scattered 4B , 4B6 Expression is present in the intermediate reticular zone. There is no expression in the parvocellular reticular nucleus.

Specimen 4C3: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; brown - Isl1 (assay MGI:5448251) and Isl2 (assay MGI:5448543).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: pons Present Regionally restricted 4C1 Expression is present in the vesticular nucleus.
TS26: medulla oblongata Present Regionally restricted 4C1 , 4C3 Expression is present in the medial nucleus of inferior olive and gigantocellular nucleus. There is no expression in the nucleus of solitary tract.
TS26: brainstem Present Scattered 4C3 , 4C1 Expression is present in the intermediate reticular zone. There is no expression in the dorsal paragigantocellular nucleus.

Specimen 4C5: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; brown - Isl1 (assay MGI:5448251) and Isl2 (assay MGI:5448543).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: brainstem Present Regionally restricted 4C5 , 4C1 Expression is present in the spinal trigeminal nucleus.

Specimen 4D: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; brown - Isl1 (assay MGI:5448251) and Isl2 (assay MGI:5448543).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: medulla oblongata Present Regionally restricted 4D2 , 4D1 Expression is present in somatic motor neurons, such as in the nucleus of the hypoglossal cranial nerve. Once such cell is pictured in the inset.
TS26: brainstem Present Regionally restricted 4D1 Experssion is present in the dorsal medullary reticular nucleus.

Specimen 5b2: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; brown - Isl1 (assay MGI:5448251) and Isl2 (assay MGI:5448543).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 5Bb2 Expression is present in the hindbrain, including in cells believed to be somatic motor neurons.

Specimen 5C: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 5C Expression is in areas where somatic motor neurons are present. It is not present in areas where branchial motor neurons are present.

Specimen 5E: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; brown - Isl1 (assay MGI:5448251) and Isl2 (assay MGI:5448543).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 5E Expression is not present in areas where branchial motor neurons are present. It is present elsewhere in the hindbrain.

Specimen 5G/H: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Note: Double labeled: blue - Zfp503; brown - Isl1 (assay MGI:5448251) and Isl2 (assay MGI:5448543).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 5G , 5H Expression is present in somatic motor neurons. One of these expressing neurons from the medial part of the hindbrain at the level caudal to the optic vesicle is pictured in the inset.

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.23
The Jackson Laboratory