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Gene Expression Literature Summary
9.5 DPC

12 matching records from 12 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Mest  mesoderm specific transcript   (Synonyms: Peg1)
Results  Reference
1*J:83702 Buttitta L, Tanaka TS, Chen AE, Ko MS, Fan CM, Microarray analysis of somitogenesis reveals novel targets of different WNT signaling pathways in the somitic mesoderm. Dev Biol. 2003 Jun 1;258(1):91-104
1J:262042 Del Monte-Nieto G, Ramialison M, Adam AAS, Wu B, Aharonov A, D'Uva G, Bourke LM, Pitulescu ME, Chen H, de la Pompa JL, Shou W, Adams RH, Harten SK, Tzahor E, Zhou B, Harvey RP, Control of cardiac jelly dynamics by NOTCH1 and NRG1 defines the building plan for trabeculation. Nature. 2018 May;557(7705):439-445
1J:108137 Fukasawa M, Morita S, Kimura M, Horii T, Ochiya T, Hatada I, Genomic imprinting in Dicer1-hypomorphic mice. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2006;113(1-4):138-43
1J:119151 Grego-Bessa J, Luna-Zurita L, del Monte G, Bolos V, Melgar P, Arandilla A, Garratt AN, Zang H, Mukouyama YS, Chen H, Shou W, Ballestar E, Esteller M, Rojas A, Perez-Pomares JM, de la Pompa JL, Notch signaling is essential for ventricular chamber development. Dev Cell. 2007 Mar;12(3):415-29
1*J:192195 Himes KP, Koppes E, Chaillet JR, Generalized disruption of inherited genomic imprints leads to wide-ranging placental defects and dysregulated fetal growth. Dev Biol. 2013 Jan 1;373(1):72-82
1*J:28395 Kaneko-Ishino T, Kuroiwa Y, Miyoshi N, Kohda T, Suzuki R, Yokoyama M, Viville S, Barton SC, Ishino F, Surani MA, Peg1/Mest imprinted gene on chromosome 6 identified by cDNA subtraction hybridization. Nat Genet. 1995 Sep;11(1):52-9
1*J:74103 Kobayashi S, Wagatsuma H, Ono R, Ichikawa H, Yamazaki M, Tashiro H, Aisaka K, Miyoshi N, Kohda T, Ogura A, Ohki M, Kaneko-Ishino T, Ishino F, Mouse Peg9/Dlk1 and human PEG9/DLK1 are paternally expressed imprinted genes closely located to the maternally expressed imprinted genes: mouse Meg3/Gtl2 and human MEG3. Genes Cells. 2000 Dec;5(12):1029-37
1J:275254 Mahadevan S, Sathappan V, Utama B, Lorenzo I, Kaskar K, Van den Veyver IB, Maternally expressed NLRP2 links the subcortical maternal complex (SCMC) to fertility, embryogenesis and epigenetic reprogramming. Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 20;7:44667
1*J:47783 Obata Y, Kaneko-Ishino T, Koide T, Takai Y, Ueda T, Domeki I , Shiroishi T , Ishino F , Kono T, Disruption of primary imprinting during oocyte growth leads to the modified expression of imprinted genes during embryogenesis. Development. 1998 Apr;125(8):1553-60
1J:112969 Ogawa H, Wu Q, Komiyama J, Obata Y, Kono T, Disruption of parental-specific expression of imprinted genes in uniparental fetuses. FEBS Lett. 2006 Oct 2;580(22):5377-84
1*J:48293 Reule M, Krause R, Hemberger M, Fundele R, Analysis of Peg1/Mest imprinting in the mouse. Dev Genes Evol. 1998 May;208(3):161-3
1J:152652 Venkatesh DA, Park KS, Harrington A, Miceli-Libby L, Yoon JK, Liaw L, Cardiovascular and hematopoietic defects associated with Notch1 activation in embryonic Tie2-expressing populations. Circ Res. 2008 Aug 15;103(4):423-31

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