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Gene Expression Literature Summary
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9.5 DPC

43 matching records from 43 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Wt1  WT1 transcription factor   (Synonyms: D630046I19Rik, Wilms tumor 1 homolog, Wt-1)
Results  Reference
1J:170930 Asahina K, Zhou B, Pu WT, Tsukamoto H, Septum transversum-derived mesothelium gives rise to hepatic stellate cells and perivascular mesenchymal cells in developing mouse liver. Hepatology. 2011 Mar;53(3):983-95
1J:328231 Astanina E, Doronzo G, Cora D, Neri F, Oliviero S, Genova T, Mussano F, Middonti E, Vallariello E, Cencioni C, Valdembri D, Serini G, Limana F, Foglio E, Ballabio A, Bussolino F, The TFEB-TGIF1 axis regulates EMT in mouse epicardial cells. Nat Commun. 2022 Sep 3;13(1):5191
1J:311885 Bandiera R, Vidal VP, Motamedi FJ, Clarkson M, Sahut-Barnola I, von Gise A, Pu WT, Hohenstein P, Martinez A, Schedl A, WT1 maintains adrenal-gonadal primordium identity and marks a population of AGP-like progenitors within the adrenal gland. Dev Cell. 2013 Oct 14;27(1):5-18
1J:244630 Bardot E, Calderon D, Santoriello F, Han S, Cheung K, Jadhav B, Burtscher I, Artap S, Jain R, Epstein J, Lickert H, Gouon-Evans V, Sharp AJ, Dubois NC, Foxa2 identifies a cardiac progenitor population with ventricular differentiation potential. Nat Commun. 2017 Feb 14;8:14428
1*J:162870 Bax NA, Bleyl SB, Gallini R, Wisse LJ, Hunter J, Van Oorschot AA, Mahtab EA, Lie-Venema H, Goumans MJ, Betsholtz C, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Cardiac malformations in Pdgfralpha mutant embryos are associated with increased expression of WT1 and Nkx2.5 in the second heart field. Dev Dyn. 2010 Aug;239(8):2307-17
1J:137459 Cai CL, Martin JC, Sun Y, Cui L, Wang L, Ouyang K, Yang L, Bu L, Liang X, Zhang X, Stallcup WB, Denton CP, McCulloch A, Chen J, Evans SM, A myocardial lineage derives from Tbx18 epicardial cells. Nature. 2008 Jul 3;454(7200):104-8
1*J:229936 Cano E, Carmona R, Ruiz-Villalba A, Rojas A, Chau YY, Wagner KD, Wagner N, Hastie ND, Munoz-Chapuli R, Perez-Pomares JM, Extracardiac septum transversum/proepicardial endothelial cells pattern embryonic coronary arterio-venous connections. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Jan 19;113(3):656-61
1J:225062 Chen SR, Zheng QS, Zhang Y, Gao F, Liu YX, Disruption of genital ridge development causes aberrant primordial germ cell proliferation but does not affect their directional migration. BMC Biol. 2013;11:22
1J:171274 Combs MD, Braitsch CM, Lange AW, James JF, Yutzey KE, NFATC1 promotes epicardium-derived cell invasion into myocardium. Development. 2011 May;138(9):1747-57
1*J:177134 Cossette S, Misra R, The identification of different endothelial cell populations within the mouse proepicardium. Dev Dyn. 2011 Oct;240(10):2344-53
1J:178290 del Monte G, Casanova JC, Guadix JA, MacGrogan D, Burch JB, Perez-Pomares JM, de la Pompa JL, Differential Notch signaling in the epicardium is required for cardiac inflow development and coronary vessel morphogenesis. Circ Res. 2011 Apr 1;108(7):824-36
1J:231985 Delgado I, Carrasco M, Cano E, Carmona R, Garcia-Carbonero R, Marin-Gomez LM, Soria B, Martin F, Cano DA, Munoz-Chapuli R, Rojas A, GATA4 loss in the septum transversum mesenchyme promotes liver fibrosis in mice. Hepatology. 2014 Jun;59(6):2358-70
1J:256264 Diman NY, Brooks G, Kruithof BP, Elemento O, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Basson CT, Hatcher CJ, Tbx5 is required for avian and Mammalian epicardial formation and coronary vasculogenesis. Circ Res. 2014 Oct 24;115(10):834-44
1J:225761 Duim SN, Kurakula K, Goumans MJ, Kruithof BP, Cardiac endothelial cells express Wilms' tumor-1: Wt1 expression in the developing, adult and infarcted heart. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 Apr;81:127-35
1J:245018 Fujii M, Sakaguchi A, Kamata R, Nagao M, Kikuchi Y, Evans SM, Yoshizumi M, Shimono A, Saga Y, Kokubo H, Sfrp5 identifies murine cardiac progenitors for all myocardial structures except for the right ventricle. Nat Commun. 2017 Mar 13;8:14664
1J:337033 Greulich F, Rudat C, Farin HF, Christoffels VM, Kispert A, Lack of Genetic Interaction between Tbx18 and Tbx2/Tbx20 in Mouse Epicardial Development. PLoS One. 2016;11(6):e0156787
1J:172023 Guo C, Sun Y, Zhou B, Adam RM, Li X, Pu WT, Morrow BE, Moon A, Li X, A Tbx1-Six1/Eya1-Fgf8 genetic pathway controls mammalian cardiovascular and craniofacial morphogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2011 Apr 1;121(4):1585-95
1*J:310902 Hayashi S, Suzuki H, Takemoto T, The nephric mesenchyme lineage of intermediate mesoderm is derived from Tbx6-expressing derivatives of neuro-mesodermal progenitors via BMP-dependent Osr1 function. Dev Biol. 2021 Oct;478:155-162
1J:314126 Jiang H, Song S, Li J, Yin Q, Hu S, Nie Y, Establishment and characterization of an immortalized epicardial cell line. J Cell Mol Med. 2021 Apr 6;
1J:177490 Jongbloed MR, Vicente-Steijn R, Douglas YL, Wisse LJ, Mori K, Yokota Y, Bartelings MM, Schalij MJ, Mahtab EA, Poelmann RE, Gittenberger-De Groot AC, Expression of Id2 in the second heart field and cardiac defects in Id2 knock-out mice. Dev Dyn. 2011 Nov;240(11):2561-77
1J:183083 Katz TC, Singh MK, Degenhardt K, Rivera-Feliciano J, Johnson RL, Epstein JA, Tabin CJ, Distinct compartments of the proepicardial organ give rise to coronary vascular endothelial cells. Dev Cell. 2012 Mar 13;22(3):639-50
1J:253729 Kelder TP, Duim SN, Vicente-Steijn R, Vegh AM, Kruithof BP, Smits AM, van Bavel TC, Bax NA, Schalij MJ, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, DeRuiter MC, Goumans MJ, Jongbloed MR, The epicardium as modulator of the cardiac autonomic response during early development. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 Dec;89(Pt B):251-9
1J:241636 Li J, Miao L, Zhao C, Shaikh Qureshi WM, Shieh D, Guo H, Lu Y, Hu S, Huang A, Zhang L, Cai CL, Wan LQ, Xin H, Vincent P, Singer HA, Zheng Y, Cleaver O, Fan ZC, Wu M, CDC42 is required for epicardial and pro-epicardial development by mediating FGF receptor trafficking to the plasma membrane. Development. 2017 May 01;144(9):1635-1647
1J:316151 Lin FJ, You LR, Yu CT, Hsu WH, Tsai MJ, Tsai SY, Endocardial cushion morphogenesis and coronary vessel development require chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor II. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012 Nov;32(11):e135-46
1*J:132132 Mahtab EA, Wijffels MC, Van Den Akker NM, Hahurij ND, Lie-Venema H, Wisse LJ, Deruiter MC, Uhrin P, Zaujec J, Binder BR, Schalij MJ, Poelmann RE, Gittenberger-De Groot AC, Cardiac malformations and myocardial abnormalities in podoplanin knockout mouse embryos: Correlation with abnormal epicardial development. Dev Dyn. 2008 Mar;237(3):847-57
1J:306169 Peralta M, Ortiz Lopez L, Jerabkova K, Lucchesi T, Vitre B, Han D, Guillemot L, Dingare C, Sumara I, Mercader N, Lecaudey V, Delaval B, Meilhac SM, Vermot J, Intraflagellar Transport Complex B Proteins Regulate the Hippo Effector Yap1 during Cardiogenesis. Cell Rep. 2020 Jul 21;32(3):107932
1J:143278 Que J, Wilm B, Hasegawa H, Wang F, Bader D, Hogan BL, Mesothelium contributes to vascular smooth muscle and mesenchyme during lung development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Oct 28;105(43):16626-30
1J:205035 Rudat C, Kispert A, Wt1 and epicardial fate mapping. Circ Res. 2012 Jul 6;111(2):165-9
1J:306614 Sasaki K, Oguchi A, Cheng K, Murakawa Y, Okamoto I, Ohta H, Yabuta Y, Iwatani C, Tsuchiya H, Yamamoto T, Seita Y, Saitou M, The embryonic ontogeny of the gonadal somatic cells in mice and monkeys. Cell Rep. 2021 May 4;35(5):109075
1*J:186546 Scherptong RW, Jongbloed MR, Wisse LJ, Vicente-Steijn R, Bartelings MM, Poelmann RE, Schalij MJ, Gittenberger-De Groot AC, Morphogenesis of outflow tract rotation during cardiac development: The pulmonary push concept. Dev Dyn. 2012 Sep;241(9):1413-22
1J:287023 Schnerwitzki D, Perry S, Ivanova A, Caixeta FV, Cramer P, Gunther S, Weber K, Tafreshiha A, Becker L, Vargas Panesso IL, Klopstock T, Hrabe de Angelis M, Schmidt M, Kullander K, Englert C, Neuron-specific inactivation of Wt1 alters locomotion in mice and changes interneuron composition in the spinal cord. Life Sci Alliance. 2018 Aug;1(4):e201800106
1J:206836 Taguchi A, Kaku Y, Ohmori T, Sharmin S, Ogawa M, Sasaki H, Nishinakamura R, Redefining the in vivo origin of metanephric nephron progenitors enables generation of complex kidney structures from pluripotent stem cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2014 Jan 2;14(1):53-67
1J:243174 Vicente-Steijn R, Scherptong RW, Kruithof BP, Duim SN, Goumans MJ, Wisse LJ, Zhou B, Pu WT, Poelmann RE, Schalij MJ, Tallquist MD, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Jongbloed MR, Regional differences in WT-1 and Tcf21 expression during ventricular development: implications for myocardial compaction. PLoS One. 2015;10(9):e0136025
1J:254120 Villa Del Campo C, Lioux G, Carmona R, Sierra R, Munoz-Chapuli R, Claveria C, Torres M, Myc overexpression enhances of epicardial contribution to the developing heart and promotes extensive expansion of the cardiomyocyte population. Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 18;6:35366
1J:175466 von Gise A, Zhou B, Honor LB, Ma Q, Petryk A, Pu WT, WT1 regulates epicardial epithelial to mesenchymal transition through beta-catenin and retinoic acid signaling pathways. Dev Biol. 2011 Aug 15;356(2):421-31
1*J:97217 Wagner N, Wagner KD, Hammes A, Kirschner KM, Vidal VP, Schedl A, Scholz H, A splice variant of the Wilms' tumour suppressor Wt1 is required for normal development of the olfactory system. Development. 2005 Mar;132(6):1327-36
1J:255737 Wei K, Diaz-Trelles R, Liu Q, Diez-Cunado M, Scimia MC, Cai W, Sawada J, Komatsu M, Boyle JJ, Zhou B, Ruiz-Lozano P, Mercola M, Developmental origin of age-related coronary artery disease. Cardiovasc Res. 2015 Jul 15;107(2):287-94
1J:102947 Wilm B, Ipenberg A, Hastie ND, Burch JB, Bader DM, The serosal mesothelium is a major source of smooth muscle cells of the gut vasculature. Development. 2005 Dec;132(23):5317-28
1*J:91443 Wilm B, James RG, Schultheiss TM, Hogan BL, The forkhead genes, Foxc1 and Foxc2, regulate paraxial versus intermediate mesoderm cell fate. Dev Biol. 2004 Jul 1;271(1):176-89
1J:177189 Zeng B, Ren XF, Cao F, Zhou XY, Zhang J, Developmental patterns and characteristics of epicardial cell markers Tbx18 and Wt1 in murine embryonic heart. J Biomed Sci. 2011;18:67
1J:137426 Zhou B, Ma Q, Rajagopal S, Wu SM, Domian I, Rivera-Feliciano J, Jiang D, von Gise A, Ikeda S, Chien KR, Pu WT, Epicardial progenitors contribute to the cardiomyocyte lineage in the developing heart. Nature. 2008 Jul 3;454(7200):109-13
1*J:205034 Zhou B, Pu WT, Genetic Cre-loxP assessment of epicardial cell fate using Wt1-driven Cre alleles. Circ Res. 2012 Nov 9;111(11):e276-80
1*J:314891 Zhu NL, Asahina K, Wang J, Ueno A, Lazaro R, Miyaoka Y, Miyajima A, Tsukamoto H, Hepatic stellate cell-derived delta-like homolog 1 (DLK1) protein in liver regeneration. J Biol Chem. 2012 Mar 23;287(13):10355-10367

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