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Gene Expression Literature Summary
In situ RNA (whole mount)
8.5 DPC

32 matching records from 32 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Lfng  LFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase   (Synonyms: lunatic fringe)
Results  Reference
1J:132361 Aulehla A, Wiegraebe W, Baubet V, Wahl MB, Deng C, Taketo M, Lewandoski M, Pourquie O, A beta-catenin gradient links the clock and wavefront systems in mouse embryo segmentation. Nat Cell Biol. 2008 Feb;10(2):186-93
1*J:54606 Barrantes IB, Elia AJ, Wunsch K, De Angelis MH, Mak TW, Rossant J, Conlon RA, Gossler A, de la Pompa JL, Interaction between Notch signalling and Lunatic fringe during somite boundary formation in the mouse. Curr Biol. 1999 May 6;9(9):470-80
1*J:102528 Barsi JC, Rajendra R, Wu JI, Artzt K, Mind bomb1 is a ubiquitin ligase essential for mouse embryonic development and Notch signaling. Mech Dev. 2005 Oct;122(10):1106-17
1J:72325 Bessho Y, Sakata R, Komatsu S, Shiota K, Yamada S, Kageyama R, Dynamic expression and essential functions of Hes7 in somite segmentation. Genes Dev. 2001 Oct 15;15(20):2642-7
1*J:239985 Casaca A, Novoa A, Mallo M, Hoxb6 can interfere with somitogenesis in the posterior embryo through a mechanism independent of its rib-promoting activity. Development. 2016 Feb 01;143(3):437-48
1J:205649 Chalamalasetty RB, Dunty WC Jr, Biris KK, Ajima R, Iacovino M, Beisaw A, Feigenbaum L, Chapman DL, Yoon JK, Kyba M, Yamaguchi TP, The Wnt3a/beta-catenin target gene Mesogenin1 controls the segmentation clock by activating a Notch signalling program. Nat Commun. 2011;2:390
1J:41258 Cohen B, Bashirullah A, Dagnino L, Campbell C, Fisher WW, Leow CC , Whiting E , Ryan D , Zinyk D , Boulianne G , Hui CC , Gallie B , Phillips RA , Lipshitz HD , Egan SE, Fringe boundaries coincide with Notch-dependent patterning centres in mammals and alter Notch-dependent development in Drosophila. Nat Genet. 1997 Jul;16(3):283-8
1J:106622 Dale JK, Malapert P, Chal J, Vilhais-Neto G, Maroto M, Johnson T, Jayasinghe S, Trainor P, Herrmann B, Pourquie O, Oscillations of the snail genes in the presomitic mesoderm coordinate segmental patterning and morphogenesis in vertebrate somitogenesis. Dev Cell. 2006 Mar;10(3):355-66
1J:294824 Dias A, Lozovska A, Wymeersch FJ, Novoa A, Binagui-Casas A, Sobral D, Martins GG, Wilson V, Mallo M, A Tgfbr1/Snai1-dependent developmental module at the core of vertebrate axial elongation. Elife. 2020 Jun 29;9:e56615
1*J:129202 Dunty WC Jr, Biris KK, Chalamalasetty RB, Taketo MM, Lewandoski M, Yamaguchi TP, Wnt3a/beta-catenin signaling controls posterior body development by coordinating mesoderm formation and segmentation. Development. 2008 Jan;135(1):85-94
1J:138982 Feller J, Schneider A, Schuster-Gossler K, Gossler A, Noncyclic Notch activity in the presomitic mesoderm demonstrates uncoupling of somite compartmentalization and boundary formation. Genes Dev. 2008 Aug 15;22(16):2166-71
1J:154114 Ferjentsik Z, Hayashi S, Dale JK, Bessho Y, Herreman A, De Strooper B, del Monte G, de la Pompa JL, Maroto M, Notch is a critical component of the mouse somitogenesis oscillator and is essential for the formation of the somites. PLoS Genet. 2009 Sep;5(9):e1000662
1*J:49964 Forsberg H, Crozet F, Brown NA, Waves of mouse Lunatic fringe expression, in four-hour cycles at two-hour intervals, precede somite boundary formation. Curr Biol. 1998 Sep 10;8(18):1027-30
1J:176262 Giros A, Grgur K, Gossler A, Costell M, alpha5beta1 integrin-mediated adhesion to fibronectin is required for axis elongation and somitogenesis in mice. PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e22002
1J:91127 Hirata H, Bessho Y, Kokubu H, Masamizu Y, Yamada S, Lewis J, Kageyama R, Instability of Hes7 protein is crucial for the somite segmentation clock. Nat Genet. 2004 Jul;36(7):750-4
1*J:41128 Johnston SH, Rauskolb C, Wilson R, Prabhakaran B, Irvine KD, Vogt TF, A family of mammalian Fringe genes implicated in boundary determination and the Notch pathway. Development. 1997 Jun;124(11):2245-54
1J:101173 Koo BK, Lim HS, Song R, Yoon MJ, Yoon KJ, Moon JS, Kim YW, Kwon MC, Yoo KW, Kong MP, Lee J, Chitnis AB, Kim CH, Kong YY, Mind bomb 1 is essential for generating functional Notch ligands to activate Notch. Development. 2005 Aug;132(15):3459-70
1J:107136 Kusumi K, Mimoto MS, Covello KL, Beddington RS, Krumlauf R, Dunwoodie SL, Dll3 pudgy mutation differentially disrupts dynamic expression of somite genes. Genesis. 2004 Jun;39(2):115-21
1*J:185804 Larkins CE, Long AB, Caspary T, Defective Nodal and Cerl2 expression in the Arl13b(hnn) mutant node underlie its heterotaxia. Dev Biol. 2012 Jul 1;367(1):15-24
1J:301249 Lopez-Delgado AC, Delgado I, Cadenas V, Sanchez-Cabo F, Torres M, Axial skeleton anterior-posterior patterning is regulated through feedback regulation between Meis transcription factors and retinoic acid. Development. 2021 Jan 4;148(1):dev193813
1J:168337 Lourenco R, Lopes SS, Saude L, Left-right function of dmrt2 genes is not conserved between zebrafish and mouse. PLoS One. 2010;5(12):e14438
1J:101031 Maruhashi M, Van De Putte T, Huylebroeck D, Kondoh H, Higashi Y, Involvement of SIP1 in positioning of somite boundaries in the mouse embryo. Dev Dyn. 2005 Oct;234(2):332-8
1J:270575 Mastromina I, Verrier L, Silva JC, Storey KG, Dale JK, Myc activity is required for maintenance of the neuromesodermal progenitor signalling network and for segmentation clock gene oscillations in mouse. Development. 2018 Jul 30;145(14):dev161091
1J:146408 Pilon N, Oh K, Sylvestre JR, Savory JG, Lohnes D, Wnt signaling is a key mediator of Cdx1 expression in vivo. Development. 2007 Jun;134(12):2315-23
1J:227336 Ramkumar N, Harvey BM, Lee JD, Alcorn HL, Silva-Gagliardi NF, McGlade CJ, Bestor TH, Wijnholds J, Haltiwanger RS, Anderson KV, Protein O-Glucosyltransferase 1 (POGLUT1) Promotes Mouse Gastrulation through Modification of the Apical Polarity Protein CRUMBS2. PLoS Genet. 2015 Oct;11(10):e1005551
1J:135313 Satoh W, Matsuyama M, Takemura H, Aizawa S, Shimono A, Sfrp1, Sfrp2, and Sfrp5 regulate the Wnt/beta-catenin and the planar cell polarity pathways during early trunk formation in mouse. Genesis. 2008 Feb;46(2):92-103
1J:243030 Schmitz-Rohmer D, Probst S, Yang ZZ, Laurent F, Stadler MB, Zuniga A, Zeller R, Hynx D, Hemmings BA, Hergovich A, NDR Kinases Are Essential for Somitogenesis and Cardiac Looping during Mouse Embryonic Development. PLoS One. 2015;10(8):e0136566
1J:131837 Shifley ET, Vanhorn KM, Perez-Balaguer A, Franklin JD, Weinstein M, Cole SE, Oscillatory lunatic fringe activity is crucial for segmentation of the anterior but not posterior skeleton. Development. 2008 Mar;135(5):899-908
1J:127131 Ueda T, Watanabe-Fukunaga R, Ogawa H, Fukuyama H, Higashi Y, Nagata S, Fukunaga R, Critical role of the p400/mDomino chromatin-remodeling ATPase in embryonic hematopoiesis. Genes Cells. 2007 May;12(5):581-92
1J:97659 Vermot J, Llamas JG, Fraulob V, Niederreither K, Chambon P, Dolle P, Retinoic acid controls the bilateral symmetry of somite formation in the mouse embryo. Science. 2005 Apr 22;308(5721):563-6
1J:291481 Wang L, Xie J, Zhang H, Tsang LH, Tsang SL, Braune EB, Lendahl U, Sham MH, Notch signalling regulates epibranchial placode patterning and segregation. Development. 2020 Feb 17;147(4):dev183665
1J:240090 Williams DR, Shifley ET, Braunreiter KM, Cole SE, Disruption of somitogenesis by a novel dominant allele of Lfng suggests important roles for protein processing and secretion. Development. 2016 Mar 01;143(5):822-30

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