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Gene Expression Literature Summary
In situ RNA (section)
8.5 DPC

11 matching records from 11 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Pitx2  paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2   (Synonyms: Brx1, Brx1a, Brx1b, Munc30, Otlx2, Pitx2a, Pitx2b, Pitx2c, Ptx2, Rieg, solurshin)
Results  Reference
1J:193588 Ammirabile G, Tessari A, Pignataro V, Szumska D, Sutera Sardo F, Benes J Jr, Balistreri M, Bhattacharya S, Sedmera D, Campione M, Pitx2 confers left morphological, molecular, and functional identity to the sinus venosus myocardium. Cardiovasc Res. 2012 Feb 1;93(2):291-301
1*J:56972 Constam DB, Robertson EJ, Tissue-specific requirements for the proprotein convertase furin/SPC1 during embryonic turning and heart looping. Development. 2000 Jan;127(2):245-54
1*J:56091 Davidson BP, Kinder SJ, Steiner K, Schoenwolf GC, Tam PP, Impact of node ablation on the morphogenesis of the body axis and the lateral asymmetry of the mouse embryo during early organogenesis. Dev Biol. 1999 Jul 1;211(1):11-26
1*J:43579 Kitamura K, Miura H, Yanazawa M, Miyashita T, Kato K, Expression patterns of Brx1 (Rieg gene), Sonic hedgehog, Nkx2.2, Dlx1 and Arx during zona limitans intrathalamica and embryonic ventral lateral geniculate nuclear formation. Mech Dev. 1997 Sep;67(1):83-96
1J:57673 Lin CR, Kioussi C, O'Connell S, Briata P, Szeto D, Liu F, Izpisua-Belmonte JC, Rosenfeld MG, Pitx2 regulates lung asymmetry, cardiac positioning and pituitary and tooth morphogenesis. Nature. 1999 Sep 16;401(6750):279-82
1J:70483 Meno C, Takeuchi J, Sakuma R, Koshiba-Takeuchi K, Ohishi S, Saijoh Y, Miyazaki J, ten Dijke P, Ogura T, Hamada H, Diffusion of nodal signaling activity in the absence of the feedback inhibitor Lefty2. Dev Cell. 2001 Jul;1(1):127-138
1J:107397 Nowotschin S, Liao J, Gage PJ, Epstein JA, Campione M, Morrow BE, Tbx1 affects asymmetric cardiac morphogenesis by regulating Pitx2 in the secondary heart field. Development. 2006 Apr;133(8):1565-73
1*J:77401 Pennekamp P, Karcher C, Fischer A, Schweickert A, Skryabin B, Horst J, Blum M, Dworniczak B, The ion channel polycystin-2 is required for left-right axis determination in mice. Curr Biol. 2002 Jun 4;12(11):938-43
1*J:141520 Schweickert A, Deissler K, Britsch S, Albrecht M, Ehmann H, Mauch V, Gaio U, Blum M, Left-asymmetric expression of Galanin in the linear heart tube of the mouse embryo is independent of the nodal co-receptor gene cryptic. Dev Dyn. 2008 Dec;237(12):3557-64
1J:203656 Waite MR, Skidmore JM, Micucci JA, Shiratori H, Hamada H, Martin JF, Martin DM, Pleiotropic and isoform-specific functions for Pitx2 in superior colliculus and hypothalamic neuronal development. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2013 Jan;52:128-39
1*J:327901 Ye Q, Bhojwani A, Hu JK, Understanding the development of oral epithelial organs through single cell transcriptomic analysis. Development. 2022 Aug 15;149(16):dev200539

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