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Gene Expression Literature Summary
In situ RNA (section)
10.5 DPC

17 matching records from 17 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Lhx3  LIM homeobox protein 3   (Synonyms: Lim3, mLim-3, P-LIM)
Results  Reference
1J:169150 Bharti K, Gasper M, Bertuzzi S, Arnheiter H, Lack of the ventral anterior homeodomain transcription factor VAX1 leads to induction of a second pituitary. Development. 2011 Mar;138(5):873-8
1J:245758 Carreno G, Apps JR, Lodge EJ, Panousopoulos L, Haston S, Gonzalez-Meljem JM, Hahn H, Andoniadou CL, Martinez-Barbera JP, Hypothalamic sonic hedgehog is required for cell specification and proliferation of LHX3/LHX4 pituitary embryonic precursors. Development. 2017 Sep 15;144(18):3289-3302
1*J:73085 Dasen JS, Barbera JP, Herman TS, Connell SO, Olson L, Ju B, Tollkuhn J, Baek SH, Rose DW, Rosenfeld MG, Temporal regulation of a paired-like homeodomain repressor/TLE corepressor complex and a related activator is required for pituitary organogenesis. Genes Dev. 2001 Dec 1;15(23):3193-207
1*J:46975 Ericson J, Norlin S, Jessell TM, Edlund T, Integrated FGF and BMP signaling controls the progression of progenitor cell differentiation and the emergence of pattern in the embryonic anterior pituitary. Development. 1998 Mar;125(6):1005-15
1J:174144 Gaston-Massuet C, Andoniadou CL, Signore M, Jayakody SA, Charolidi N, Kyeyune R, Vernay B, Jacques TS, Taketo MM, Le Tissier P, Dattani MT, Martinez-Barbera JP, From the Cover: Increased Wingless (Wnt) signaling in pituitary progenitor/stem cells gives rise to pituitary tumors in mice and humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jul 12;108(28):11482-7
1J:142425 Gaston-Massuet C, Andoniadou CL, Signore M, Sajedi E, Bird S, Turner JM, Martinez-Barbera JP, Genetic interaction between the homeobox transcription factors HESX1 and SIX3 is required for normal pituitary development. Dev Biol. 2008 Dec 15;324(2):322-33
1J:333567 Gonzalez-Meljem JM, Ivins S, Andoniadou CL, Le Tissier P, Scambler P, Martinez-Barbera JP, An expression and function analysis of the CXCR4/SDF-1 signalling axis during pituitary gland development. PLoS One. 2023;18(2):e0280001
1J:146279 Medina-Martinez O, Amaya-Manzanares F, Liu C, Mendoza M, Shah R, Zhang L, Behringer RR, Mahon KA, Jamrich M, Cell-autonomous requirement for rx function in the mammalian retina and posterior pituitary. PLoS One. 2009;4(2):e4513
1J:114817 Olson LE, Tollkuhn J, Scafoglio C, Krones A, Zhang J, Ohgi KA, Wu W, Taketo MM, Kemler R, Grosschedl R, Rose D, Li X, Rosenfeld MG, Homeodomain-mediated beta-catenin-dependent switching events dictate cell-lineage determination. Cell. 2006 May 5;125(3):593-605
1J:142649 Sajedi E, Gaston-Massuet C, Signore M, Andoniadou CL, Kelberman D, Castro S, Etchevers HC, Gerrelli D, Dattani MT, Martinez-Barbera JP, Analysis of mouse models carrying the I26T and R160C substitutions in the transcriptional repressor HESX1 as models for septo-optic dysplasia and hypopituitarism. Dis Model Mech. 2008 Nov;1(4-5):241-54
1*J:36967 Sornson MW, Wu W, Dasen JS, Flynn SE, Norman DJ, O'Connell SM, Gukovsky I, Carriere C, Ryan AK, Miller AP, Zuo L, Gleiberman AS, Andersen B, Beamer WG, Rosenfeld MG, Pituitary lineage determination by the Prophet of Pit-1 homeodomain factor defective in Ames dwarfism. Nature. 1996 Nov 28;384(6607):327-33
1J:50974 Sun T, Pringle NP, Hardy AP, Richardson WD, Smith HK, Pax6 influences the time and site of origin of glial precursors in the ventral neural tube. Mol Cell Neurosci. 1998 Nov;12(4-5):228-39
1*J:34314 Szeto DP, Ryan AK, O'Connell SM, Rosenfeld MG, P-OTX: a PIT-1-interacting homeodomain factor expressed during anterior pituitary gland development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996 Jul 23;93(15):7706-10
1*J:50517 Takuma N, Sheng HZ, Furuta Y, Ward JM, Sharma K, Hogan BL, Pfaff SL, Westphal H, Kimura S, Mahon KA, Formation of Rathke's pouch requires dual induction from the diencephalon. Development. 1998 Dec;125(23):4835-40
1J:66789 Treier M, O'Connell S, Gleiberman A, Price J, Szeto DP, Burgess R, Chuang PT, McMahon AP, Rosenfeld MG, Hedgehog signaling is required for pituitary gland development. Development. 2001 Feb;128(3):377-86
1J:198684 Trowe MO, Zhao L, Weiss AC, Christoffels V, Epstein DJ, Kispert A, Inhibition of Sox2-dependent activation of Shh in the ventral diencephalon by Tbx3 is required for formation of the neurohypophysis. Development. 2013 Jun;140(11):2299-309
1*J:24499 Zhadanov AB, Bertuzzi S, Taira M, Dawid IB, Westphal H, Expression pattern of the murine LIM class homeobox gene Lhx3 in subsets of neural and neuroendocrine tissues. Dev Dyn. 1995 Apr;202(4):354-64

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