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basic helix-loop-helix ARNT like 1
Phenotype annotations related to homeostasis/metabolism
*Aspects of the system are reported to show a normal phenotype.
Darker colors indicate more annotations

Mouse Phenotypes
homeostasis/metabolism phenotype
decreased insulin secretion
decreased susceptibility to diet-induced obesity
increased blood urea nitrogen level
decreased circulating glucose level
abnormal circulating adrenaline level
decreased circulating adrenaline level
decreased circulating insulin level
decreased circulating noradrenaline level
increased circulating osteocalcin level
decreased circulating progesterone level
decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
increased circulating HDL cholesterol level
increased circulating LDL cholesterol level
increased circulating VLDL cholesterol level
increased circulating cholesterol level
increased circulating free fatty acids level
decreased circulating VLDL triglyceride level
increased circulating triglyceride level
abnormal circulating protein level
increased circulating alanine transaminase level
increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
increased circulating factor VIII level
increased circulating fibrinogen level
increased partial thromboplastin time
decreased prothrombin time
increased susceptibility to induced thrombosis
abnormal venous thrombosis
abnormal nitric oxide homeostasis
increased respiratory quotient
abnormal glucose homeostasis
abnormal gluconeogenesis
impaired gluconeogenesis
impaired glucose tolerance
increased insulin sensitivity
decreased plasma anion gap
abnormal lipid homeostasis
abnormal lipid level
increased liver triglyceride level
increased skeletal muscle triglyceride level
abnormal protein level
abnormal metabolism
abnormal enzyme/coenzyme activity
abnormal response to injury
impaired wound healing
Availability Mouse Genotype
Bmal1tm1.2Shbi/Bmal1tm1.2Shbi *
Bmal1tm1Bra/Bmal1tm1Bra *
Tg(Mylk-cre)1Ljm/0  (conditional)
Tg(Tek-cre)12Flv/0  (conditional)
Tg(Pdx1-cre)89.1Dam/0  (conditional)

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.23
The Jackson Laboratory