• seen by 5-7 days after birth
• ornithine and citrulline levels are lower in intestinal tissue
• circulating levels of arginine, citrulline and essential amino acids are reduced in suckling mice while plasma glutamine increases after weaning compared to controls
• glutamine concentration is high in the blood while threonine, tyrosine, arginine and citrulline levels are lower than in controls
• ornithine levels are lower in intestinal tissue
• mutants exhibit hyperammonemia (3x higher than in controls) that can be corrected by inactivation of ornithine aminotransferase using 5-fluoromethylornithine
• mutants develop orotic aciduria that can be corrected by inactivation of ornithine aminotransferase using 5-fluoromethylornithine
• reduced activity of ornithine transcarbamylase (Otc) occurs in colon, small intestine, and liver
• livers show a 4-fold increase in uridine nucleotides and a 50% decrease in adenosine nucleotides
• males are jittery and excited and the total number of entries into an arm of the Y maze is higher than in control males
• males with alopecia are somnolent
liver/biliary system
• increase in ammonia and glutamine concentrations in the liver and a decrease in arginine levels
nervous system
• increase in ammonia and glutamine concentrations in the brain and a decrease in arginine levels
• spermidine and N-acetylspermidine concentrations are lower in the brains of mutants than in controls
• 4 week old mutants exhibit a reduced brain size, affecting both the cortex and striatum but showing ventricular enlargement
• ventricular enlargement is observed in 4 week old mutants
• significant decrease in the complexity of the dendritic arbor and in dendritic terminal spine density of layer V pyramidal cells in the frontoparietal cortex
• significant decrease in the complexity of the dendritic arbor and in dendritic terminal spine density of layer V pyramidal cells in the frontoparietal cortex
renal/urinary system
• mutants develop orotic aciduria that can be corrected by inactivation of ornithine aminotransferase using 5-fluoromethylornithine
• light brown uroliths (stones) in urinary bladder
• stones consist mostly of orotic acid
sparse hair
• seen by 5-7 days after birth
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency | DOID:9271 |
OMIM:311250 |
J:7789 , J:23017 |