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Gene Expression Literature Summary
18.5 DPC

7 matching records from 7 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Insr  insulin receptor   (Synonyms: 4932439J01Rik, CD220, D630014A15Rik, IR, IR-A, IR-B)
Results  Reference
1J:106827 Duvillie B, Currie C, Chrones T, Bucchini D, Jami J, Joshi RL, Hill DJ, Increased islet cell proliferation, decreased apoptosis, and greater vascularization leading to beta-cell hyperplasia in mutant mice lacking insulin. Endocrinology. 2002 Apr;143(4):1530-7
1J:326523 Kheirollahi V, Khadim A, Kiliaris G, Korfei M, Barroso MM, Alexopoulos I, Vazquez-Armendariz AI, Wygrecka M, Ruppert C, Guenther A, Seeger W, Herold S, El Agha E, Transcriptional Profiling of Insulin-like Growth Factor Signaling Components in Embryonic Lung Development and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Cells. 2022 Jun 20;11(12)
1*J:158405 Liang L, Guo WH, Esquiliano DR, Asai M, Rodriguez S, Giraud J, Kushner JA, White MF, Lopez MF, Insulin-like growth factor 2 and the insulin receptor, but not insulin, regulate fetal hepatic glycogen synthesis. Endocrinology. 2010 Feb;151(2):741-7
1J:241923 Lopez IP, Pineiro-Hermida S, Pais RS, Torrens R, Hoeflich A, Pichel JG, Involvement of Igf1r in Bronchiolar Epithelial Regeneration: Role during Repair Kinetics after Selective Club Cell Ablation. PLoS One. 2016;11(11):e0166388
1J:321229 Murakami-Kawaguchi S, Takasawa S, Onogawa T, Nata K, Itaya-Hironaka A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Yamauchi A, Ota H, Takeda M, Kato M, Okamoto H, Expression of Ins1 and Ins2 genes in mouse fetal liver. Cell Tissue Res. 2014 Feb;355(2):303-14
1J:174705 Novitskaya T, Baserga M, de Caestecker MP, Organ-specific defects in insulin-like growth factor and insulin receptor signaling in late gestational asymmetric intrauterine growth restriction in Cited1 mutant mice. Endocrinology. 2011 Jun;152(6):2503-16
1J:211117 Pais RS, Moreno-Barriuso N, Hernandez-Porras I, Lopez IP, De Las Rivas J, Pichel JG, Transcriptome analysis in prenatal IGF1-deficient mice identifies molecular pathways and target genes involved in distal lung differentiation. PLoS One. 2013;8(12):e83028

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