How do I download all mouse and human homologs?
You can download plain text files from the MGI Data and Statistical Reports page. These files include lists of all genes and markers in MGI, alleles of genes and markers, annotations to genes and alleles and more.
Accessing the MGI Data and Statistical Reports Page
On most MGI pages, you can access the MGI Data and Statistical Reports Page from the Search menu as shown in the image at right.

Scroll down the page for further instructions.

Flat file location

Example 1. Downloading all mouse and human orthologs
  1. Click the Vertebrate Homology hyperlink in the Table of Contents to navigate to the appropriate subsection of the page..
Reports TOC
  1. Click the link to HOM_MouseHumanSequence.rpt to download a plain text file containing all homologies between mouse and human along with sequence identifiers for each species.
Vertebrate Homology Reports Screen Shot