MGI MouseCyc experimental GO annotations for PWY3O-210: glutamate degradation IX (via 4-aminobutyrate)

Compare annotations to GO categories for PWY3O-210: glutamate degradation IX (via 4-aminobutyrate)
Category ID Term Gad1Gad2
Cellular ComponentGO:0005623cellGad1Gad2
Cellular ComponentGO:0044464cell partGad1Gad2
Cellular ComponentGO:0043226organelleGad1Gad2
Cellular ComponentGO:0045202synapseGad1Gad2

Full set of annotations for PWY3O-210: glutamate degradation IX (via 4-aminobutyrate)
CategoryIDTermMouse gene EvidenceColor Key
Cellular ComponentGO:0030424axon Gad1 IDAcolor key
Cellular ComponentGO:0030424axon Gad2 IDAcolor key
Cellular ComponentGO:0005737cytoplasm Gad1 IDAcolor key
Cellular ComponentGO:0005739mitochondrion Gad1 IDAcolor key
Cellular ComponentGO:0045202synapse Gad1 IDAcolor key
Cellular ComponentGO:0045202synapse Gad2 IDAcolor key