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Table pub.mgd.gxd_specimen
Defines an In Situ Assay Specimen. A Specimen is described in terms of its genotype, sex, age and the methods used to prepare the sample. If multiple animals within one reference have identical genotypes and preparation procedures, then they can be collectively represented by a single Specimen object.

See GXD_Assay, GXD_EmbeddingMethod, GXD_FixationMethod, GXD_Genotype.

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
_specimen_key serial 10  √  nextval('gxd_specimen_seq'::regclass)
gxd_expression._specimen_key gxd_expression__specimen_key_fkey C
gxd_insituresult._specimen_key gxd_insituresult__specimen_key_fkey C
primary key
_assay_key int4 10
gxd_assay._assay_key gxd_specimen__assay_key_fkey C
foreign key to GXD_Assay
_embedding_key int4 10
voc_term._term_key gxd_specimen__embedding_key_fkey R
foreign key to GXD_EmbeddingMethod
_fixation_key int4 10
voc_term._term_key gxd_specimen__fixation_key_fkey R
foreign key to GXD_FixationMethod
_genotype_key int4 10
gxd_genotype._genotype_key gxd_specimen__genotype_key_fkey R
foreign key to GXD_Genotype
sequencenum int4 10 sequence number for ordering records
specimenlabel text 2147483647  √  null specimen label
sex text 2147483647 sex of specimen (Female, Male, Pooled)
age text 2147483647 age of embryo or animal
agemin numeric 131089  √  null minimum age range determined by age field; system calculated
agemax numeric 131089  √  null maximum age range determined by age field; system calculated
agenote text 2147483647  √  null age notes
hybridization text 2147483647 probe hybridized to? (sections, whole mount, section from whole mount)
specimennote text 2147483647  √  null specimen note
creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified

Table contained 526,764 rows at Mon Sep 11 06:12 EDT 2023

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
_specimen_key Primary key Asc gxd_specimen_pkey
_assay_key Performance Asc gxd_specimen_idx_clustered
_embedding_key Performance Asc gxd_specimen_idx_embedding_key
_fixation_key Performance Asc gxd_specimen_idx_fixation_key
_genotype_key Performance Asc gxd_specimen_idx_genotype_key

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