Test Description: Additional blood tests are carried out by Abbott's Cell-Dyn 3500R, an automated hematology analyzer. Some of its features include a five-part WBC differential. 'Patient' reports can cover over 22 parameters in all.


WBC = White Blood Cell Count HGB = HemoGloBin
NEUTRO = NEUTROphil HCT = HematoCriT
LYM = LYMphocyte MCV = Mean Corpuscular Volume
MONO = MONOcyte MCH = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
EOS = EOSinophil MCHC = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
BASO = BASOphil RDW = Red Cell Distribution Width
RBC = Red Blood Cell Count PLT = PLateLet
MPV = Mean Platelet Volume

  Hematology data for Project: NIH-1304 - Results        Export Data to Spreadsheet
Genotype Age (days) WBC Neutro Lym Mono Eos Baso Rbc Hgb Hct Mcv Mch Mchc Rdw Plt Mpv
M-69 het 99 8.39 1.6516 6.4184 0.3063 0.0063 0.0038 10.9861 15.6772 43.866 39.9286 14.27 35.7388 18.8953 1229.532 7.1249
F-79 het 97 6.69 0.7887 5.6868 0.2068 0.0090 0.0034 10.5374 16.4162 44.7274 42.4463 15.5789 36.7027 18.0556 821.272 7.5113
M-85 het 97 9.51 0.8793 8.1439 0.4571 0.01 0.0187 10.6483 16.6378 45.8805 43.0872 15.6249 36.2634 16.6667 939.902 6.6605
F-88 het 97 11.68 0.7769 10.738 0.1495 0.0128 0.0064 10.2581 15.992 43.2799 42.1909 15.5896 36.9502 17.8571 954.845 6.5495
M-59 hom 99 8.2 0.9433 6.9417 0.2898 0.0102 0.0159 10.1157 16.446 43.8774 43.3756 16.2579 37.4816 17.0251 925.557 6.6599
F-70 hom 99 6.01 0.7086 4.9908 0.2971 0.0090 0.0078 9.6899 16.4931 43.9442 45.3504 17.0209 37.5319 17.0833 788.175 6.1672
F-77 hom 97 5.97 0.656 5.126 0.1833 0.0078 0.0011 9.49 15.3643 41.2943 43.5134 16.19 37.2069 18.018 614.738 6.1322
M-82 hom 97 5.85 0.5524 4.9826 0.289 0.02 0.01 7.9412 14.6977 35.0205 44.0998 18.5082 41.9689 17.432 707.088 6.5225
F-102 hom 97 7.48 0.6551 6.6204 0.1927 0.0068 0.0023 10.1132 16.6199 44.5065 44.0083 16.4338 37.3426 16.4884 808.405 6.224
M-106 hom 96 6.2 0.7658 5.1962 0.2317 0.0056 0.0045 10.215 15.3418 42.9032 42.0001 15.0189 35.7592 19.5531 989.217 6.8726
M-110 hom 96 6.02 1.2054 4.5702 0.225 0.0134 0.0067 9.18 14.4965 39.6437 43.1849 15.7915 36.5671 18.2709 755.737 7.4331
F-117 hom 96 8.86 0.8691 7.5501 0.4197 0.0103 0.0126 10.4789 16.135 42.6605 40.7107 15.3976 37.8219 18.0952 851.601 6.8616
M-63 wt 99 8.11 0.7347 7.0266 0.323 0.0111 0.0111 9.9506 15.8311 42.6178 42.8294 15.9097 37.1466 17.663 972.467 6.8543
M-89 wt 97 10.16 1.6838 8.0975 0.3552 0.0193 0.0055 9.8883 15.7435 40.8192 41.2804 15.9214 38.5688 16.3858 839.183 6.3933
F-101 wt 97 6.94 1.1032 5.5694 0.2493 0.0056 0.0113 10.4624 16.0007 42.9277 41.0305 15.2935 37.2735 17.42 734.719 6.1228
F-121 wt 96 6.95 0.6313 6.2305 0.0776 0.0090 0.0045 11.0684 16.6713 45.3236 40.9486 15.0621 36.7829 18.3044 849.05 6.5178

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