Test Description: Additional blood tests are carried out by Abbott's Cell-Dyn 3500R, an automated hematology analyzer. Some of its features include a five-part WBC differential. 'Patient' reports can cover over 22 parameters in all.


WBC = White Blood Cell Count HGB = HemoGloBin
NEUTRO = NEUTROphil HCT = HematoCriT
LYM = LYMphocyte MCV = Mean Corpuscular Volume
MONO = MONOcyte MCH = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
EOS = EOSinophil MCHC = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
BASO = BASOphil RDW = Red Cell Distribution Width
RBC = Red Blood Cell Count PLT = PLateLet
MPV = Mean Platelet Volume

  Hematology data for Project: NIH-1289 - Results        Export Data to Spreadsheet
Genotype Age (days) WBC Neutro Lym Mono Eos Baso Rbc Hgb Hct Mcv Mch Mchc Rdw Plt Mpv
M-73 het 106 13.03 1.1023 11.9032 0.0117 0.0091 0.0 9.6697 14.3748 40.4079 41.788 14.8658 35.5742 16.3934 891.881 6.829
M-81 het 106 5.39 0.5281 4.7898 0.0618 0.0072 0.0010 9.163 14.6473 40.1418 43.8085 15.9853 36.4889 15.4639 1003.759 6.6599
F-94 het 105 8.51 0.7981 7.4832 0.2085 0.0053 0.0148 10.0484 14.899 41.1936 40.9951 14.8272 36.1682 16.7598 892.239 6.7484
F-137 het 105 3.71 0.5259 2.9591 0.2145 0.0021 0.0103 9.4932 14.1576 39.5145 41.6238 14.9133 35.8289 15.9381 813.05 6.3938
M-72 hom 106 8.23 0.5228 7.3394 0.3211 0.0158 0.0285 9.5884 14.2576 39.7504 41.4569 14.8697 35.8677 18.5185 1040.928 6.7392
M-80 hom 106 8.52 0.6887 7.4169 0.3929 0.0022 0.0186 8.9698 14.3095 39.3209 43.8371 15.953 36.3916 15.8935 833.574 6.596
M-83 hom 106 6.43 0.4279 5.7173 0.28 0.0042 0.0052 9.1494 13.7139 38.87 42.4838 14.9888 35.2813 16.4007 952.638 6.4092
F-95 hom 105 10.43 0.921 9.1874 0.3082 0.0012 0.014 9.5779 14.9835 40.5434 42.3304 15.6439 36.9566 15.9574 792.502 6.2251
F-97 hom 105 10.58 1.3954 9.0903 0.0809 0.0013 0.0131 10.0019 15.9865 42.9512 42.9432 15.9835 37.2202 15.873 749.872 6.6638
F-102 hom 105 3.75 0.5776 3.0064 0.1634 0.0031 0.0031 10.404 15.2273 42.9708 41.3024 14.6361 35.4365 17.42 872.821 6.0089
M-106 hom 105 7.18 0.7042 6.0989 0.3277 0.0021 0.0435 9.7853 15.3549 42.2805 43.2084 15.6919 36.3168 16.4884 767.021 6.1359
F-120 hom 105 4.6 0.6629 3.5973 0.3111 0.0020 0.0275 9.6831 14.2194 39.5621 40.857 14.6848 35.9419 17.6909 671.364 7.133
M-74 wt 106 12.1 1.1438 10.9136 0.0353 0.0074 0.0015 9.329 13.7579 37.8315 40.5527 14.7475 36.3663 17.0455 960.246 6.7799
M-76 wt 106 7.71 0.4212 7.2693 0.0105 0.0084 0.0010 9.8093 13.9012 39.1666 39.9281 14.1715 35.4924 16.7625 1025.967 6.5105
F-93 wt 105 7.86 0.8963 6.9396 0.0158 0.0011 0.0056 10.012 15.1668 40.6182 40.5695 15.1487 37.34 17.8227 761.258 6.4012
F-103 wt 105 8.54 0.6498 7.6645 0.2103 0.0032 0.0147 9.76 14.5976 41.0953 42.1059 14.9566 35.5213 16.8488 785.009 6.3565

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