Test Description: Additional blood tests are carried out by Abbott's Cell-Dyn 3500R, an automated hematology analyzer. Some of its features include a five-part WBC differential. 'Patient' reports can cover over 22 parameters in all.


WBC = White Blood Cell Count HGB = HemoGloBin
NEUTRO = NEUTROphil HCT = HematoCriT
LYM = LYMphocyte MCV = Mean Corpuscular Volume
MONO = MONOcyte MCH = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
EOS = EOSinophil MCHC = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
BASO = BASOphil RDW = Red Cell Distribution Width
RBC = Red Blood Cell Count PLT = PLateLet
MPV = Mean Platelet Volume

  Hematology data for Project: NIH-0195 - Results        Export Data to Spreadsheet
Genotype Age (days) WBC Neutro Lym Mono Eos Baso Rbc Hgb Hct Mcv Mch Mchc Rdw Plt Mpv
F-49 het 119 5.83 0.7106 4.8812 0.2219 0.0064 0.0064 10.6787 15.8723 44.7111 41.8693 14.8635 35.4998 16.2037 763.284 6.987
F-50 het 113 5.84 0.5763 4.8642 0.2627 0.1252 0.0133 10.9219 16.7346 45.7719 41.9083 15.322 36.5609 16.0075 783.683 6.564
M-83 het 113 3.74 0.5876 3.1096 0.0314 0.0084 0.0 11.4915 17.0353 47.9102 41.692 14.8243 35.5567 17.5439 927.71 6.621
M-108 het 112 12.64 1.4779 10.6949 0.4434 0.0054 0.0216 9.9283 14.6594 40.6185 40.912 14.7654 36.0906 16.0985 983.119 6.6762
F-51 hom 113 3.58 0.3018 3.1363 0.1224 0.0137 0.0032 10.5877 15.7529 44.0443 41.5997 14.8786 35.7661 17.5189 727.46 7.4604
F-52 hom 113 5.36 1.0035 4.3372 0.0108 0.0043 0.0043 10.8557 16.6252 46.3563 42.7023 15.3147 35.8639 17.3042 899.101 7.2504
F-53 hom 113 5.96 0.493 5.4258 0.0273 0.0087 0.0033 10.8785 16.115 43.0552 39.5781 14.8136 37.4287 18.6782 1059.993 12.0187
M-54 hom 113 9.63 1.0535 8.5113 0.0446 0.013 0.0058 11.5231 16.7471 47.9418 41.605 14.5335 34.9321 18.4659 961.039 7.2871
F-63 hom 113 5.06 0.7542 4.0208 0.1824 0.1013 0.0043 10.3006 15.5575 42.8004 41.5513 15.1035 36.3489 18.622 848.766 7.2089
F-71 hom 113 6.75 1.0618 5.3899 0.2795 0.0066 0.011 10.8356 16.5002 44.6911 41.2446 15.2277 36.9205 17.0455 795.099 7.5411
F-99 hom 113 9.07 0.5779 8.3051 0.1673 0.0062 0.0125 10.2086 15.1801 41.5604 40.711 14.8699 36.5254 16.7598 815.065 6.397
M-107 hom 112 6.91 1.5434 4.9525 0.3928 0.0134 0.0073 10.7141 16.7977 46.1829 43.1047 15.6781 36.3721 17.7305 1066.567 6.8833
M-110 hom 112 3.85 0.4942 3.1636 0.1689 0.0115 0.0094 10.946 16.3022 45.1492 41.2471 14.8932 36.1074 17.42 1229.821 6.9463
M-55 wt 113 8.8 1.2627 7.011 0.3286 0.1759 0.0202 11.8839 16.9075 47.0216 39.5675 14.2273 35.957 18.6275 1204.825 6.3907
F-77 wt 113 5.54 0.4044 5.0011 0.1189 0.0064 0.0042 10.2649 15.4899 43.0794 41.9676 15.0901 35.9565 17.1296 899.222 6.7207
F-88 wt 113 7.7 1.3922 6.1796 0.1196 0.0039 0.0051 11.2949 16.4514 46.588 41.2469 14.5653 35.3125 16.6667 942.375 6.5095
M-109 wt 112 3.8 1.6336 1.8652 0.2895 0.0084 0.0042 11.5983 16.0829 45.2327 38.9996 13.8667 35.556 20.0803 1046.417 7.0974

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