
Test Description: Groups of naive mice are trained in conditioning chambers (Med-Associates, St. Albans, Vermont) that have stainless steel rod floors through which foot shocks could be delivered. For cued trace fear conditioning mice are placed in training context and left undisturbed for habituation purposes for 60 seconds. Then a conditioned stimulus (CS: 15 sec duration, 85 dB 3kHz) generated by white noise is delivered, followed by a trace period of 10 sec and the unconditioned stimulus (US: foot shock, 2 sec, 0.35 mA). Mice are presented with 5 trials with inter-trial interval (ITI) 3 min and returned to the home cage 1 minute after the final shock.

Testing is carried out 24 hours later, in a different room and cage, in order to assess the efficacy of cue (tone) conditioning in the absence of interference from context conditioning. Each mouse is placed in the plastic cage and carried into a chamber that differs from conditioning chambers in having different light (red instead of bright), walls (not clear instead of clear) and smooth floor. After 60 seconds of habituation CS (same white noise) is presented for 15 sec, and then mouse left in the chamber for another 60 seconds.

Memory for cued (white noise) fear conditioning is assessed as a difference in percentage of time that mice spent freezing after CS (conditioned freezing) and percentage of time they spent freezing before CS (baseline freezing).


  Trace Conditioning data for Project: NIH-1841 - Results Export Data to Spreadsheet
Mouse Label Genotype Age (days) Pre-CS Freezing Post-CS Freezing Difference CS Freezing
F-83 het 85 5.56 13.33 7.77
F-91 het 85 2.22 30.0 27.78
F-95 het 84 0.0 11.11 11.11
M-104 het 83 4.44 22.22 17.78
M-107 het 83 1.11 61.11 60.0
M-115 het 82 66.67 84.44 17.77
M-124 het 82 2.22 84.44 82.22
F-130 het 81 8.89 68.89 60.0
M-79 wt 85 55.56 94.44 38.88
F-102 wt 84 37.78 56.67 18.89
M-108 wt 83 1.11 45.56 44.45
F-121 wt 82 0.0 55.56 55.56

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