Test Description: Additional blood tests are carried out by Abbott's Cell-Dyn 3500R, an automated hematology analyzer. Some of its features include a five-part WBC differential. 'Patient' reports can cover over 22 parameters in all.


WBC = White Blood Cell Count HGB = HemoGloBin
NEUTRO = NEUTROphil HCT = HematoCriT
LYM = LYMphocyte MCV = Mean Corpuscular Volume
MONO = MONOcyte MCH = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
EOS = EOSinophil MCHC = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
BASO = BASOphil RDW = Red Cell Distribution Width
RBC = Red Blood Cell Count PLT = PLateLet
MPV = Mean Platelet Volume

  Hematology data for Project: NIH-0996 - Results        Export Data to Spreadsheet
Genotype Age (days) WBC Neutro Lym Mono Eos Baso Rbc Hgb Hct Mcv Mch Mchc Rdw Plt Mpv
M-55 het 110 5.37 0.6133 4.2837 0.4148 0.0435 0.0123 9.7965 15.8486 43.3603 44.2609 16.1778 36.551 19.0603 719.294 7.5108
F-69 het 110 4.91 0.5231 4.051 0.2528 0.0736 0.0099 11.3607 17.5314 46.8089 41.2024 15.4316 37.4532 18.1992 783.393 6.4508
M-80 het 108 9.14 1.2303 7.4995 0.2636 0.124 0.0235 9.8707 14.9594 40.4843 41.0145 15.1553 36.951 17.6909 1144.824 7.0017
F-86 het 109 4.78 0.4124 4.1366 0.2106 0.0121 0.0033 10.5593 16.2301 44.919 42.54 15.3705 36.1319 17.9211 813.481 7.029
F-70 hom 110 6.57 0.821 5.5366 0.188 0.0041 0.0207 10.645 16.8025 46.184 43.3857 15.7845 36.3817 18.1159 832.401 6.5325
F-73 hom 110 6.53 0.2827 6.056 0.1572 0.0041 0.0262 10.2748 16.5389 43.0847 41.9324 16.0966 38.387 17.9558 766.801 6.147
M-76 hom 108 6.47 0.9966 5.3453 0.0297 0.1019 0.0014 10.96 16.7982 44.3501 40.4654 15.3268 37.8763 17.7203 1087.317 6.5808
M-78 hom 108 7.85 0.6774 6.6729 0.3021 0.1793 0.0152 9.5275 15.6474 42.376 44.4773 16.4233 36.9252 16.4076 1062.12 6.4951
M-99 hom 109 4.86 0.8949 3.6676 0.2921 0.0055 0.0033 11.1356 17.3499 46.0442 41.3487 15.5806 37.6809 17.42 1311.629 7.1465
M-100 hom 109 6.54 0.6935 5.5638 0.1955 0.0784 0.0062 10.2714 16.0657 44.5415 43.3645 15.6411 36.069 19.9468 799.068 6.5868
F-104 hom 109 8.44 0.9228 7.0837 0.3849 0.0076 0.0424 10.2295 16.3809 44.3159 43.3216 16.0134 36.9639 17.8253 888.478 6.4368
F-106 hom 109 5.35 0.7502 4.255 0.321 0.0123 0.0134 10.6388 16.6634 45.6603 42.9185 15.6628 36.4942 18.3692 876.585 6.3853
M-54 wt 110 5.18 0.8107 4.1504 0.2105 0.0093 0.0012 10.5143 16.5397 45.9053 43.6597 15.7306 36.0301 18.2709 1142.448 7.222
F-71 wt 110 5.96 0.6109 4.5888 0.6929 0.0445 0.0269 10.3165 17.6631 44.2599 42.9021 17.1212 39.9076 16.6667 786.466 6.2232
M-77 wt 108 6.88 0.5591 5.8274 0.3361 0.1287 0.0329 10.1301 16.3736 44.2069 43.639 16.1632 37.0385 18.4685 1132.576 6.8415
F-89 wt 109 4.06 0.3756 3.4102 0.2581 0.0099 0.0066 10.5932 16.6261 45.0674 42.5437 15.695 36.8915 17.3797 942.258 7.4809

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