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This atlas will discuss and illustrate both common and rare spontaneous neoplastic and nonneoplastic diseases of mice. The atlas is divided into the following systems: cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, endocrine, male genital, female genital urinary, hematopoietic, integumentary, musculoskeletal, central nervous and eye and adnexal glands. Nonneoplastic lesions within each system will be discussed first followed by neoplastic lesions. The references are divided into a general section on mouse pathology followed by a section on specific references used in the atlas.

The authors are grateful to the Pathology Assistants at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), especially Ms. Betty Johnson and Ms. Lisa Wiley, who initially reviewed and selected many of the microscopic slides to be photographed. We would also like to thank Mr. Alan Warbritton for developing many of the kodachromes and Ms. Sandy Davison for typing the atlas.

We, the authors, are especially grateful to Dr. Benjamin Highman for his editorial assistance, guidance, wisdom, and patience. We would like to dedicate this atlas to him.

C.H. Frith
J.M. Ward

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