MGI MouseCyc experimental MP annotations for itaconate biosynthesis

Compare annotations to MP categories for itaconate biosynthesis
ID Term Aco1Aco2CsCslPcx
MP:0005376homeostasis/metabolism phenotypeAco1Aco2CsCslPcx
MP:0002873normal phenotypeAco1Aco2CsCslPcx

Full set of annotations for itaconate biosynthesis
IDTermMouse gene AllelesBackgroundColor Key
MP:0005637abnormal iron homeostasis Aco1 Aco1tm1Roua/Aco1tm1Rouainvolves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6color key
MP:0006208lethality throughout fetal growth and development Aco1 Aco1tm1Mwh/Aco1tm1Mwhinvolves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6Jcolor key
MP:0002169no abnormal phenotype detected Aco1 Aco1tm1.1Mwh/Aco1tm1.1Mwhinvolves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * SJLcolor key
MP:0002169no abnormal phenotype detected Aco1 Aco1tm1.2Mwh/Aco1tm1.2Mwhinvolves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6Jcolor key