MGI MouseCyc experimental MP annotations for methyl parathion degradation

Compare annotations to MP categories for methyl parathion degradation
ID Term Pon1
MP:0005385cardiovascular system phenotypePon1
MP:0005384cellular phenotypePon1

Full set of annotations for methyl parathion degradation
IDTermMouse gene AllelesBackgroundColor Key
MP:0002127abnormal cardiovascular system morphology Pon1 Apoetm1Unc/Apoetm1Unc,Pon1tm1Lus/Pon1tm1Lusinvolves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6Jcolor key
MP:0003674oxidative stress Pon1 Pon1tm1Lus/Pon1tm1Lusinvolves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6Jcolor key