MGI MouseCyc experimental MP annotations for NAD phosphorylation and dephosphorylation

Compare annotations to MP categories for NAD phosphorylation and dephosphorylation
ID Term NadkNnt
MP:0005384cellular phenotypeNadkNnt
MP:0005381digestive/alimentary phenotypeNadkNnt
MP:0005379endocrine/exocrine gland phenotypeNadkNnt
MP:0005376homeostasis/metabolism phenotypeNadkNnt

Full set of annotations for NAD phosphorylation and dephosphorylation
IDTermMouse gene AllelesBackgroundColor Key
MP:0005621abnormal cell physiology Nnt NntN68K/NntN68Kinvolves: BALB/c * C3H/HeHcolor key
MP:0005621abnormal cell physiology Nnt NntG745D/NntG745Dinvolves: BALB/c * C3H/HeHcolor key
MP:0003059decreased insulin secretion Nnt NntN68K/NntN68Kinvolves: BALB/c * C3H/HeHcolor key
MP:0003059decreased insulin secretion Nnt NntG745D/NntG745Dinvolves: BALB/c * C3H/HeHcolor key
MP:0003059decreased insulin secretion Nnt NntC57BL/6J/NntC57BL/6JC57BL/6Jcolor key
MP:0005293impaired glucose tolerance Nnt NntN68K/NntN68Kinvolves: BALB/c * C3H/HeHcolor key
MP:0005293impaired glucose tolerance Nnt NntG745D/NntG745Dinvolves: BALB/c * C3H/HeHcolor key
MP:0005293impaired glucose tolerance Nnt NntC57BL/6J/NntC57BL/6JC57BL/6Jcolor key