MGI MouseCyc experimental MP annotations for spermidine biosynthesis

Compare annotations to MP categories for spermidine biosynthesis
ID Term Amd1Amd2Srm
MP:0005380embryogenesis phenotypeAmd1Amd2Srm

Full set of annotations for spermidine biosynthesis
IDTermMouse gene AllelesBackgroundColor Key
MP:0001730embryonic growth arrest Amd1 Amd1tm1Kiga/Amd1tm1Kigainvolves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6color key
MP:0006205embryonic lethality before somite formation Amd1 Amd1tm1Kiga/Amd1tm1Kigainvolves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6color key